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Mercedes-Benz of Sugarland Raceway- Houston, TX

Saturday, February 3, 2007


The Social Hour began around 6 PM with racers, family and friends beginning to congregate in the Driver Source garage area of the MSR Houston paddock after a long day of racing. In addition to the entire NASA Texas family of racers,AI/CMC Racers in attendance were Richard Pedersen, David Donovan, Jeff Brooks, David Love, Frank Robertson, James Proctor, Mike Bell, Jerry MacNeil, Marshall Mosty, Michael Mosty, Eric Varner, Todd Covini, Glenn Landrum, Al Fernandez, Corey Reuth, Misty Cain, Robert Boudreaux, Morgan Dawdy and along with their family and friends.


Rob Liebbe brought his Texas Flag CMC showcar and began setting up behind the “award stageâ€


Hey Mount B..... Er I mean Todd. Great thread and clearly you still know how to put on a great show. Since there were no steers in the photos it's obvious you learned how to entertain here on the west coast. LOL (Just kidding guys. I love Texas too.)


Getting back to the thread and the photos I only have one race related question.... Do you have the models phone numbers?


I am building an awesome little Mustang and after I run it down in Mexico this year I would enjoy coming down and running with you all. So the next big question would be... Do you fellas throw as good a barbeque as Nor Cal Nasa does?


Gary Faules



I am building an awesome little Mustang and after I run it down in Mexico this year I would enjoy coming down and running with you all. So the next big question would be... Do you fellas throw as good a barbeque as Nor Cal Nasa does?


Gary Faules


Come on ova, Gary! We'd love to have another Mustang run with us!

Regarding our trackside BBQ's, we don't have the QUANTITY of attendees like you guys have in NorCal just yet...but we certainly have the QUALITY of BBQ, Brats and Shiner Bock Beer!!! Hope to see you soon...


-=- Todd






Any one know Steve Mulder? Tell him I "accidentally" got his trophy ...

Getting back to the thread and the photos I only have one race related question.... Do you have the models phone numbers?

Not to pick on TX in particular, but since the subject was brought up, maybe more women (and their boyfriends, husbands, sons, daughters) would get involved in racing if this pointless sexism was dropped. Women can wrench and drive. It's offensive to many people to portray them as nothing more than photo props. And, yes, I realize many women seem to willingly offer themselves up as such. That doesn't mean that it should be something that NASA as an organization should condone.



Posted (edited)

Paul & Carol,

On behalf of Texas AI/CMC, please accept my sincere apologies if we've offended you.


Just a couple facts/comments regarding the Texas region to dispel any pre-conceived notions which this, or any other thread I've posted, might have brought about.


1) NASA Texas is a woman owned/operated region.

2) Texas AI/CMC has multiple female drivers and is likely the leader in this area.

3) Judging by the Texas AI/CMC paddock and our Nationals participation, I'm comfortable stating that we likely have more wives & family participation as an integral part of our AI/CMC racing family than most others.


Hope to see Tiger Racing come race with us in Texas someday in the future so y'all can have a great weekend and see it for yourselves!


-=- Todd

Edited by Guest
Getting back to the thread and the photos I only have one race related question.... Do you have the models phone numbers?

Not to pick on TX in particular, but since the subject was brought up, maybe more women (and their boyfriends, husbands, sons, daughters) would get involved in racing if this pointless sexism was dropped. Women can wrench and drive. It's offensive to many people to portray them as nothing more than photo props. And, yes, I realize many women seem to willingly offer themselves up as such. That doesn't mean that it should be something that NASA as an organization should condone.




You call that sexism? You should go visit some of the F1 sites. They didn't come out in fish-net stalking's and with all due respect these beautiful women presented the trophies and themselves very tastefully. To imply they were nothing more than props is more offensive in my opinion. My own daughter has been a trophy gal on several occasions and when she is helping by doing what has been a long time honored tradition amongst racers I would like to believe my friends and fellow racers (both women and men) see her exactly for what she is... A wonderful looking young woman that is a hell of a lot more appealing to look at than half of us bald headed fellas. When someone compliments me on how beautiful our daughter is we simply beam. I would be willing to wager, the same is felt by those ladies in the photos.


As you well know, awards ceremonies accompanied by laughter, good food and drink, a bunch of tall stories not to mention a bunch of friends really brings all of us just a little bit closer. It's these get together's that create the camaraderie and loyalty and love for our sport that helps it to continue to grow which in turn keeps those same friendships alive for many years.


No need to apologize here Todd and if my post was taken with any disrespect it should be me to apologize. However, I assure you my intentions were most honorable and even my wife commented on how beautiful they were.


OK...points taken on both sides, this is one subject we're not going to win on. There are opinions on a range as wide as Mark Martin's car in the Daytona 500...and he didn't win either!


So...I'd really like to successfully post something for once on behalf of our Texas AI/CMC racers which doesn't turn into a poopy melee where it's every man, woman & child for themselves!


Happy Motoring!


-=- Todd



[even my wife commented on how beautiful they were.


Any pics?



[even my wife commented on how beautiful they were.


Any pics?


Me or my daughter? LOL.

Depends ... are you ugly?


Only my hair dresser knows for sure. LOL.


Say, that reminds me... I have some video of the original CMC gang back when Todd helped get things started. Keep in mind his nick-name back then was Duke. Here, check it out. As you will see, there have been a few rule changes since then...




Are you the nutty girl sittin' up on top? If so, definitely more pics, please ...


Was that TonyG in the passenger seat of the Chrysler passing judgment again?


I've never seen Todd ... errr Duke, with such a luscious head of hair.

I guess that's when he fell in love with compact pickup race cars, eh?


Thanks for the back ground info ... fills in a lot of blanks.


Ahhhh....those were the days!

Gotta love those open air racing machines!



-=- T

Paul & Carol

Oh, no, no, no! Don't conflate me and Paul! We're happily married, but still distinct individuals. He's the strong, silent type most of the time and I'm the vocal one. Unless he signs his name to a post, assume anything stated by "Tiger Racing" is just lil ol' me, being chatty as usual.


On behalf of Texas AI/CMC, please accept my sincere apologies if we've offended you.

That's kind of you to say.


Just a couple facts/comments regarding the Texas region to dispel any pre-conceived notions which this, or any other thread I've posted, might have brought about.

Like I said, I'm not pinning anything on TX in particular. This is a pet peeve of mine in regards to racing in general.


1) NASA Texas is a woman owned/operated region.

That's cool.


2) Texas AI/CMC has multiple female drivers and is likely the leader in this area.

It gets even better!


3) Judging by the Texas AI/CMC paddock and our Nationals participation, I'm comfortable stating that we likely have more wives & family participation as an integral part of our AI/CMC racing family than most others.

Sounds great! That being said, maybe it's time to consider doing away with some old stereotypes that maybe, just maybe, don't give the impression that men and women can compete equally in our sport of choice.


Hope to see Tiger Racing come race with us in Texas someday in the future so y'all can have a great weekend and see it for yourselves!

I ran my first Ferrari Challenge race in TX and have run there a couple of other times since then. It was always fun, both on track and off. I hope to make it back there sometime and wish your region the best in the coming season.




Todd, couldn't get my post up on other link ... locked out. GREAT Video, I was just telling Dave Buck that we HAVE to come and race with you boys in Texas at least once in 07. If you all cant handle the heat ... stay out of the Texas kitchen, thats some RACIN .... I see old number 12 still runnning strong, gotta love it.


Elliott Fisher


I think it is sad that every time Texas and the CMC and AI boys come up there is some controversy with the post. First people bashed them saying there was too much contact on the video. Now there is a claim of sexism becasue someone commented on the models. I don't want to start a war here, "can't we all just get along".


I only wish our region had as much cool stuff and huge fields going on as they do in Texas.


I think you guys are great and I loved the video that was put together, despite the criticism it took and the eventual thread closing. I also think race drivers and models go hand in hand and do not believe that to be sexist.


You guys rock.

I think it is sad that every time Texas and the CMC and AI boys come up there is some controversy with the post. First people bashed them saying there was too much contact on the video. Now there is a claim of sexism becasue someone commented on the models. I don't want to start a war here, "can't we all just get along".


I only wish our region had as much cool stuff and huge fields going on as they do in Texas.


I think you guys are great and I loved the video that was put together, despite the criticism it took and the eventual thread closing. I also think race drivers and models go hand in hand and do not believe that to be sexist.


You guys rock.


Yeah... What he said! LOL. Like a good bottle of Irish whisky, This thread is far from closing. Ah crap, now someone may consider me a rasist. But for the record, I'm Irish and even worse... I'm BLOND! LOL.


All said and done, what I have enjoyed about them damn Texans, is they are real sportsmen and women who obviously know how to roll with the punch and more importantly they seem to have the mind set of "If you don't like it come on down and we'll duke it out on or off the track. Then we'll get up dust each other off and feed you 'all and have a few long necks, shake hands and call each other friends." Besides, most of them are transplants from California anyway. What's that old Texas/Californian saying... "Where the men are men and... well, the women are too." LOL.


I have raced with NASA since the Civil war it seems and one of the best groups anywhere has got to be the CMC crowd. Not only do they take care of their own but they really have fun doing it. How much more can you ask from any sport. One of my best racing memories from the Nor Cal region was watching a bunch of Mustang guys rushing to help a Camero racer get his engine swapped before the next race and it was not uncommon at that. I remember one time when the race director had ripped someone a new one and the CMC gang took it upon themselves to take him out back and deal with his inappropriate action on their own. What was funny was when someone asked what the problem was and they said, "Problem? There's no problem here." LOL. "As far as CMC and AI is concerned, not only is it in our blood, it's racing tradition and history.


Speaking as a NASA member and Mentor director, with all due respect, anyone that wants to call themselves a race car driver could stand to learn a lot for the CMC gang.

  • 2 weeks later...

bunch of Mustang guys rushing to help a Camero racer


anyone that wants to call themselves a race car driver could stand to learn a lot for the CMC gang.


It's camAro ...


muDtang owners


bunch of Mustang guys rushing to help a Camero racer


anyone that wants to call themselves a race car driver could stand to learn a lot for the CMC gang.


It's camAro ...


muDtang owners


Sorry, it's this damn ibonics software I use.


Hey Todd,


I thought you may enjoy some in-car camera shots from Thunderhill. Things have changed slightly since you were here last. The track has been enlarged a bit, and be sure and notice how much larger the spectator crowd has grown and check out the modifications we are allowed to have in the NEW CMC program.




Wow ... everyone is in a convertible ...


Of course... It's California. It's the law. Why do you think Todd drives one? LOL.

Why do you think Todd drives one? LOL.


I thought it was because his hair never got mussed ...

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