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What class to start out in

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I have 3 95 honda civic hatchbacks. I went to VIR over the weekend and fell in love with this type of racing. I have been building honda since 1998 I have a huge amount of parts in my garage.I have a b16, b18c1, h22 and countless d series engines (from all the swaps i have done). I want to know if the H2 Class is to hard to start out in. Should I pick a different class to start in. I know i have to get track time and license to even race. That should not be a problem being VIR is like 45 minutes from my house.I was thinking of using a b16 engine since i have a ton of parts for it.Just want to know what class i should start out in, since i will be a begginer in this type of racing.


I'm also a guy on his way to having a race license and hopefully compete in late 2008 or 2009.. .


As you can see, it takes time. I'm going more for H1 class and have opted for the K20 swap.


H2 has had some rule changes and it appears that it is going to be an exciting class now. You are going to need to read up pretty good on all the rules to make your car within the maximum performance guidlines.


There are more ways to get started racing than this, but here is my path and I am always open for reccomendations.


1.) do HPDEs and AutoX to learn the ropes'

2.) take advantage of all HPDE class sessions and time with instructors

3.) Try to gain as much knowledge as possible from Track Racers

4.) Volunteer for working race days at surrounding tracks to not only learn the ropes of racing but to get to know your fellow local racers and officials as well

5.) Find SCCA and NASA Certified racing schools and get after it. Need to complete 2 (~ a $2,000 expense min.)

6.) Don't forget practice

7.) look into a driving coach or a mentor

8.) ?? participate in so many races without a contact or more than X number of course violations/4 wheels off and you are in the series I think??


I didn't mention the car in those steps b/c that is just too much confusion.. . the car is another thing. Many people will reccomend buying an already proven race car for a slue of reasons.


I'll let the HC guys chim in with what steps you should take with your car(s)


The answer really depends on what do you want to do with it.


H5- cheapest class, but the car really slow and not a lot of competition

H4- few crossover option with SCCA. Lots of competition. Might be the bargain class. However, there are not much mods allowed, might not be interesting for people who like to tinkers with cars.

H2- New ruleset. This is probably the most attractive class for car people and youngster. The attractiveness of running swap engines, with limitation of stock motor, to keep the cost down. Might be a good stepping stone to H1.

H1- It will always have the allure of premier and fastest class. Will allow the most freedom for modification, but will still need to meet the rule. Prepared to the max, this will also be the most expensive class.

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