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Hotel info for May Roebling Road Race ?


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I plan on going to the NASA event at Roebling Road in May. This will be my first NASA race and frist time to visit RR. Could someone give me some tips on were to stay. I want to checkout the American Iron class and maybe build a car in the near future.

Will I need a membership to get into the pits.

Thanks J Holt

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you wont need a membership to enter the paddock area, but if you are building an AI car YOU SHOULD BE A NASA MEMBER DAMMIT! .

Get your membership you are missing out on grassroots motorsports magazine.


FWIW: You get the best experience camping AT the track. Bench racing and smack talk "around the campfire" so to speak is one of the best parts of staying on site.


Have fun and best of luck with your build.

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