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Why there is dark in the space?


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Hello everybody, I have following question: why there is so dark in the space? It may looks stupid but it is really a serious problem for me and my friend. I think that there shouldn't be so dark because the sunlight is flying through the space and in the effect there should be a lot of light in it but.... there is dark.. Why? Maybe the guys from NASA are lying? Just like with the landing on the moon?

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Hello everybody, I have following question: why there is so dark in the space? It may looks stupid but it is really a serious problem for me and my friend. I think that there shouldn't be so dark because the sunlight is flying through the space and in the effect there should be a lot of light in it but.... there is dark.. Why? Maybe the guys from NASA are lying? Just like with the landing on the moon?
Nothing in space to reflect the light. That is why it is called space.
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Hello everybody, I have following question: why there is so dark in the space? It may looks stupid but it is really a serious problem for me and my friend. I think that there shouldn't be so dark because the sunlight is flying through the space and in the effect there should be a lot of light in it but.... there is dark.. Why? Maybe the guys from NASA are lying? Just like with the landing on the moon?
Nothing in space to reflect the light. That is why it is called space.


You're lying, like every guy from NASA

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There are some objects which can reflect the light. And why the light flying from sun to the earth is invisible? It's really strange

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Hello everybody, I have following question: why there is so dark in the space? It may looks stupid but it is really a serious problem for me and my friend. I think that there shouldn't be so dark because the sunlight is flying through the space and in the effect there should be a lot of light in it but.... there is dark.. Why? Maybe the guys from NASA are lying? Just like with the landing on the moon?
Nothing in space to reflect the light. That is why it is called space.


You're lying, like every guy from NASA


What about the women from NASA?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Simple physics my friend. Light is electromagnetic radiation but is a curious phenomenon because it also acts like a particle as seen in the photoelectric effect. This means that light travels only in a straight line, but can be scattered by hitting an object with an uneven surface (and in reality everything in the world is an uneven surface) or by passing through a crystal. So the majority of light you see is light that is reflected and scattered off objects, but when you look directly at the sun you are seeing light from the source (of course it is partially scattered by the atmosphere but that can be disregarded for our purposes). Since light is traveling only in straight lines you can't see it when it isn't heading towards you, thus the only light we see in space is the light waves (or photon packets) that are aimed directly at our eyes.


Edit: Sorry guys, this looks really old. I'll check the dates next time.

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