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How long will the SuperSize offer last?


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Supersize is for running in 2 groups. For example, I could race in Spec Miata and run my Saleen in TT


First group - full price


Second Group - $299

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Seen the Super Size deal for $299, how long is that available?




What is that Kevin?


On the event registration page, it will come up as an option and the two classes are TT and PT/ST/SU.

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The Supersize option will remain open for the duration of Registration.

However, it is meant to work for one car being raced in two classes, such as racing in FFR and ST1 or CMC and PTB. One car two classes.


If a driver wants to race two cars in two different classes (as Brian described) that would be two separate entry fees for the event.


The idea is to allow drivers to "Supersize" their track time and event experience as a whole by racing in two class in the same car.


It's a great deal for sure!

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Hi Brian,

Good to see you at Putman! If I want to race GTS and 944 Supercup, what would the second pick be if I register for GTS first?

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