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Will joining NASA void my factory warranty?


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My Brother just bought a new Evolution. We had high hopes of enjoying NASA AutoX events this year until a fellow enthusiest told him that it would void his warranty and there is some sort of VIN check.


Can Mitsubishi, or any other MFG for that matter, access NASA members' info and or check to see if a car has been used at an event?



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I do not think that joining NASA would void anyone's warranty. Some people have had trouble with warranty work because of certain mods they had done to the car. You should go through you warranty and see if it says anything about racing. I know that some warranties will not cover abuse.

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How would joining NASA have any impact on a car Warrenty.


I am a long time NASA member and racer and I have many cars that don't race or even track.


Now tracking the car in HPDE or AutoX may have implications, but simply being a NASA member has none. How could it.

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There is no requirement that NASA has a vehicle's VIN on file. It isn't asked for when you register a car on the site as part of your profile, and it's not expected on a HPDE or autoX pre-tech form either. The only place I've ever seen a space for it is inside a competition vehicle logbook, and then it's only to permanently assign that logbook to said car (but plenty of racecars don't have VIN's so it's not a requirement to get the logbook or anything.) And that wouldn't apply to autocross or HPDE.


Nobody has access to NASA members' info except key national staff and a handful of regional directors & registrars. What someone does inside of our registration system remains confidential and "for internal use only", no worries there.


There have been several rumors over the years of various insurance companies and/or car manufacturers doing google searches of autocross results, then voiding policies and/or warranties if they see your name and/or your car. I think this is an urban myth, personally... How would they know that "Mike Smith" who placed 3rd in Novice class with a silver Evo is the same Michael F. Smith III they insure or perform warranty service for?


This, btw, is part of how that whole "take your license plates off at events" (or at least cover 'em with tape) phenomenon began - because someone once posted on the internet that their Evo's warranty was void after Mitsubishi found a picture of them at an event, or similar. I doubt it, but I suppose it's entirely possible in this day and age.


So the easiest ways to counteract these rumors, assuming that they are even remotely true, would be to:


-only use a surname or abbreviated name when registering (example M. Smith instead of Mike or Michael... or even better, go by your middle initial or name) - if not through nasaproracing reg, then by emailing the registrar for the event in question asking to have your name adjusted


-incorrectly list your vehicle's year (go up or down one year) as long as that other year would fit into the same car class


-remove or cover license plates, VIN plates, and/or anything identifying your car as specifically yours (particular stickers, seat covers, etc.)


-don't do big elaborate event write-ups with pictures on any websites (again what if they google it?)


The truth IMHO is that you're much more likely to have a warranty voided if you show up for service with a nearly new car that already needs tires or brakes (or has the telltale Ate Super Blue racing brake fluid staining the reservoir) because those would be clear signs of "abuse" or "racing."


Back in the day I was a service writer at a Nissan dealership. A guy brought new SE-R back after like 6000 miles... with reported transmission problems. The tech promptly put it in the air and found all kinds of rubber shreds in the front wheelwells, and a brand-new (aftermarket) pair of front tires. Clearly the owner had been drag racing the car quite a bit. Claim denied!


Food for thought,



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Motul fluid = regular color (and boils at a little higher temp fluid too)


just joining won't void your warranty... you'd have to join to come out and volunteer to corner work or something, and if you're following Jon's advice above, shouldn't be an issue

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I guess I did not make my self clear. When I said "joining NASA" I meant racing/ AutoX.


I told my brother this, but, I think the "Urban AutoX legend" got him. He is just nervous about his mods/warranty/etc. He loves to really "drive" the car and will eventually do some track events after the NEW wears off.


My wife and I are going to join NASA very shortly.


Thanks for the help guys!


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I've Autocrossed and done HPDE with my GTO and have had no issues with minor warranty items that have come up. The only thing that was outright denied was the replacement of a broken rear crossmember because no one could tell for certain if it was weak steel or the eccentrics that caused the problem. Honestly it was a little of both in my opinion. So GM (yes I took it that far) pointed to the eccentrics as not OEM and denied the warranty. But it was because of non-OEM equipment. Not because of any auto-X or HPDE.


On a side note, the company that makes my suspension parts (Pedders USA) stepped up to the plate. Even though there was no clear cause of the breakage, the company president spoke with me and through their dealership network here and in Australia, worked to get me a new crossmember at cost rather than the crazy dealership price. He even kicked some dinero my way to help cover the cost.

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First: I saw this thread title in the forum list and honestly thought it was a joke !


Second: To the OP, welcome ! (OP= original poster)


Should I be concerned about losing glass coverage on my insurance policy if I vote republican on an absentee ballot while on a religious discovery vacation in the middle east? After years of therapy I no longer lie awake pondering these thoughts. Modern psychotherapy is wonderful.


As stated in the posts above, there is little to no truth to these myths. If you join any particular club the laws of this country prohibit companies from denying claims based on loose assumptions.


Just as stated above, you could own 5 cars, three under warranty, and track one or 2 of the others. Like Jon stated, if you have a grocery list of aftermarket parts on your car and show obvious signs of abuse and bring it to the dealer for repair....common sense will dictate that you will be denied.


A simple picture of your car on the track should not be the basis for denial of claim, many many organizations have "charity laps" where you could be photographed on track driving in a much safer environment than the one outside the track. A photo can not show the difference.


I hope some of these posts have cleared up any confusion you or your brother may have had. Join NASA and enjoy all that the brotherhood of speed and motorsport has to offer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have worked in the automotive industry for quite some time and told him these things. The post was just for clarification and re-enforcement through member's experiences.


I think the Evo IX warranty is something that should be cared for as long as possible, unless you have a ton of money to throw at it.


Thanks for the affirmation and the sarcasm!!

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You are very welcome. The sarcasm is certainly not intended in a negative or hurt-full fashion. I really thought that the post might be a joke. How else could someone interpret?


Best of luck and come out and play with NASA if you arent already.

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I say better safe than sorry, right? There's big money to be lost in warranty claims. I'm sure any manufacturer would be tickled pink be able to deny warranty coverage to any owner on the basis of participation in 'racing' activities. Think about it. The manufacturers have to offer a warranty on every new vehicle. If they have the ability to sell the car then wipe the slate clean by denying coverage, why wouldn't they? Bad PR? I think not. Not when the vast majority of the car-owning public use their cars purely for transportation.


Here's an interesting thread on the subject. Granted, the person to whom this allegedly happened doesn't appear to be speaking up here. It's all secondhand. So, who knows?




If I was tracking or autocrossing my street car, I wouldn't risk being identified.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolutely true, they can and will and have used Internet information to deny warranty claims. Joining NASA is fine, but if you abuse a car in a "racing" situation and if something breaks because of the "racing abuse", any warranty claims may be denied. Look at it from a manufacturer's viewpoint.

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what about the Magnussen-Moss Act (or at least the priniciple)


I really think a MFG is going to have a hard time voiding a warranty *just* because you join some organization. You have to join to be able to work a corner, gird, whatever...


now with pics on track its a little harder, but still there are ways out there too...


its going to take race results with your full car information to prove it really

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Sorry for yelling, but I just feel like a moron now because everyone keeps saying," joining NASA can't void your warranty".


I know this. If my wife has a new truck and she wants to work a corner, I know her trucks warranty is not in jeopardy. C'Mon guys.


Thanks for all of the helpful advice. See you at the VIR!

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Sorry for yelling, but I just feel like a moron now because everyone keeps saying," joining NASA can't void your warranty".


I know this. If my wife has a new truck and she wants to work a corner, I know her trucks warranty is not in jeopardy. C'Mon guys.


Thanks for all of the helpful advice. See you at the VIR!

go back to your original post and edit the subject line.....
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