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Strut insert fluid

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In the process of installing Koni yellow inserts and Paragon coilover kit. Koni instructions show use of small volume of fluid for what I suspect is heat dissipation. Anyone have insight into what is indicated? I can't imagine H2O would be used due to potential for freezing (NY). In the late 70's, we used a 50/50 mix of ATF and motor oil for the front forks of Suzuki motorcycles. Any other suggestions based on experience?


Yep, coolant.

And those Koni instruction sheets are the worst %&$#@!ing excuse for a set of instructions ever! They might as well have printed them in Dutch, too!


Thanks for the answers guys, I appreciate the help. I agree that the instructions would be more helpful if I had Stevie Wonder read them to me!


Follow up question:

When you add the antifreeze, there are no seals at the top. Are there usually or is it just don't invert the assembly?


Slowly getting poor, but having fun


Oppps, think I answered my own question. There are two metal rings that must act as seals when fully seated.

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