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Is a Tech Inspection Form Required for Pocono on April 15??

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I'm registered for Pocono Long with NASA on April 15th. Does NASA require an outside shop to inspect the car and fill-out a Tech Form "prior" to the HPDE event??


I know most clubs have a brief Tech Inspection the morning of the event.


What I'm referring to here is a more detailed Tech Form performed by an independent shop.


The car can and will be teched at the track if needed.


We recommend having a new car without a logbook inspected by an authorized NASA tech ahead of time in case something needs to be fixed.




If you have read the rules and are confident your car is legal or if it has a logbook already, just bring it to the track and we will inspect it.


PLEASE have the form filled out (self tech) before coming to the track, and don't just check everything off, actually look at the items on the form.


Tony Senese

Comp School Instructor




I've done about 30 track days with PCA, BMW & others. This is my first NASA event. My '07 GT3 is rather new so I'm not concerned with any vehicle deficiencies.... I just want to be clear on NASA's required Tech paperwork.


If I understand correctly, I can self tech the car?

Where can I download the correct form?




I think I misunderstood the question.


If you are coming for HPDE, there is no need to have the car checked by anyone but you before you get to the track.


We tech 100% of the cars running HPDE.


The tech forms for HPDE can be found at




Again, you should fill out the form ahead of time and our scrutineers will verify at the track.


Look forward to seeing you there!


Tony Senese


Comp School Instructor




Thanks, Tony........


Yes, I'm attending the Open Track HPDE at Pocono Long.


Can you clarify the HPDE tiers, as I'm still a bit unclear with the levels. NASA has HPDE 1 (beginner) through HPDE 4 (advanced). I registered for HPDE 3. I think I'm in the right category (?).




With the experience you outlined group 3 sounds right. If for any reason you get out on the track and are not really sure, take one of us out with you. On Pocono long, there are a couple of tricky turns that will tell the tale very quickly.


I always like to take people out with me anyway, weather it is another instructor or driver, things look much different from the passenger seat.


If you do take someone out, make sure you let tech no you are going to because we will make sure the passenger seat belts etc. are good to go.




If you do take someone out, make sure you let tech no you are going to because we will make sure the passenger seat belts etc. are good to go.


Tony - I have equal restraints, seats and roll bar in my car. It is properly set up with safety equipment.

Thanks for your help.... look forward to meeing you.



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