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Garages for Infineon event in October?


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Hi Everyone,


At the moment there are NO GARAGES available for the Infineon WERC event in October, but if I can get a group of teams together to rent 1 each then they will open them. Cost will be $200 for the entire weekend, which gives you a secure area to store your car/tools, and a nice flat floor for setup work... double bonus if it rains, because you'll be inside!


If you're interested then please get in touch with me:


greg(at)gclough.com or on (805) 275-2339


The schedule for the weekend is Friday Testing, Saturday... nothing, Sunday warmup and race. We would like to lock our garage and spend Saturday touring around, without worrying that someone has stolen our gear.


This can't be a last-minute deal, because I need time to collect the money and send it to Infineon in advance of the event, so please register your interest TODAY.




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OK, the guys at Infineon have got back to me, so here are some more details about the garages:


* Each garage has 110v power

* They face the paddock area

* You can fit two cars into each garage

* They are similar to the garages at California Speedway, where internally they are open

* The are located between turns 11 and 12, and are marked in green on this map:




If you have any more questions then let me know, and I'll see what I can find out.




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  • 2 months later...

What's the status on garages? I'd be interested in either getting a garage myself or joining with someone else for a garage (if the garage's can handle 2 cars).



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Hi Rob,


Currently this is a no-go. They will only rent out the entire block, and at the moment there are only a few people that are interested.


As for the garages, yes, they will fit two cars. There are no internal partitions that allow each garage to be locked individually, but you will have space for two cars, 110v power, and a nice flat/clean floor to work on.


If anyone else out there would like to get a garage, then please get in touch ASAP so that I can sort this out... otherwise, it's back to the EZ-UP for me.



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Hi Rob,


The only place I have posted this is here, so if you're spreading the word around then that's great. If I remember correctly, there are 10 garages in each block. We need to rase $2k for them to open the block, thus the $200 per garage price. It doesn't have to be 10 people though... if there are 5 folks that are willing to pay $400 each, then we're OK.




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