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Proposed Rule Change - Clarify the Dyno Certification Req.

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Proposed rule/change: Add wording to the existing Dyno Certification rule to require competitors to include a copy (only a copy, not a new one) of their Dyno Plot, Dyno Certification Form, and Engine Management Declaration Form (EMDF) as part of their log book and turn in a copy to the Region/Race Director each attended event

Background: This will eliminate differences from region to region in the application of dyno certification requirements, and push the evidence of compliance to competitor, especially when racing out of home region.

Status: Open for debate


No problem with that proposal. Always in favor of compliance rules. The only downside is region race directors will have a lot of paperwork to keep at the track. The EMDF is like 3-4 pages, so each racer will be turning in around 6-7 sheets of paper for them to keep track of.



-Scott B.


I haven't really thought through this part yet, but I'll put this out there as part of this discussion since it ties in: A national GTS site could allow for the secure uploading and viewing of these documents. Sharepoint could handle this type of document storage quite nicely, as I'm sure other web interfaces could do as well. Directors could view the information online at any time. This assumes internet connectivity at the track, of course.


I would like to see a centralized location for the source documents, but having the racer keep a copy of what he/she turned in would be most helpful at an event for quick reference when impounding. Getting Internet connections at some tracks isn't easy.


Doug Pascarella


Mid Atlantic GTS Director


I'm okay with this, and like the idea of a centralized, online database.


Too much paperwork. What am I going to do with 1/2 a ream of paper turned in to me every event? I won't have a reason to review it. I would support having copies in the log-book for review (though I would only look at out-of-region guys honestly).


We have a spreadsheet that Mark, others, and I shared all season with dyno numbers since we have so much crossover. Why don't we continue to use that?


I think this is fine. The forms should be looked at and a single document should be crated of them all. Something simple and straightforward so you know that you have all of the pages and you are not missing anything. Maybe attached to the inside of your log book


Ed Baus

Porsche 911


Dyno, engine info should be part of the log book available for easy review. I like to keep the weight ticket you get in compound as evidence in my logbook as well.


I'm okay with this one, but need to find an electronic way to handle. I think reality is you're just wasting paper.

I'm okay with this one, but need to find an electronic way to handle. I think reality is you're just wasting paper.


If this is the Joe I think it is, you bought my 82 930 racecar years ago... How are you. I heard you sold my old car. Do you still have it? I thought I saw a bare tub out there for sale...

Demetri Mirissis


GTS4 ~ 73 914-6

pics to remind you and a video link too..




Why the need to "turn in a copy"? Seems just having copies on hand for review would be good enough.

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Why the need to "turn in a copy"? Seems just having copies on hand for review would be good enough.


Agree w/ Ryan. Just have a copy in your logbook.

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