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A couple more questions

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Well Ive already posted a few questions on here but I need a little more help.First of all im 14 years old and have a '91 vette(AUTO) and getting a '99 beetle with a stick.Would these be good track day cars?Im looking to get my competition licence for the mazda Teen challenge and wondering if i could do this.My local track Beaverun is letting me do Flat out days there and autocross.Also Im in the N.East.THANKS!!!!!



Julian Roberts


That's a good question...


Not sure how to answer that one. If I had to say...get a miata if your going into the Mazda Teen Challenge.


But thats not my final answer. I am going to leave that one to someone like Ken.


And no...I am not smarter then a fifth grader.


say no to the auto - you want 3 pedals to get footwork practice. Of the two that narrows it down a bit


Its like magic....


and Ken appears. He is the guru of answers.


Will I be able to run yo ur HPDE if im 14?


According to the 09 CCR's, sect 3.5, the answer is NO.


Be at least 18 years old (16 or over with parental consent**).

Hold a current valid state driver’s license.**


BUT, sect 3.6.1 goes on to say:


3.6.1 **Addendum to Minors

Persons under 16 years of age may, under certain circumstances, be allowed to

participate in on-track activities, including but not limited to: HPDE (open tracks, driving schools), racing events, hill climbs, autocross, etc. The following criteria must be met before a minor, under the age of 16 years, may be allowed to participate:

• Parental consent must be made, and a completed and signed minor waiver form

must be on file with the local NASA office.

• The Regional Director must approve, and should have specific permission from

the Executive Director.

• The minor must have some prior experience to justify the on-track activity as

being reasonably safe and prudent.

• The performance of the vehicle driven by the minor must be reasonable and safe

given the minor’s prior track experience.

• All NASA safety rules and precautions must be followed.

• It is required that at least one parent or legal guardian be present at the event.

It is strongly recommended that the parent or legal guardian accompany the minor

during any instructional periods.


I talked to a guy who son is 14 and just won the Mazda teen challenge championship and he said he did this when he was 13 so...


General answer would be no unless...unless you can show enough prior track experience to get your Regional Director to give you the ok.


How am I gonna get the expeirence if I cant do it?


Racing Karts.


Not being sarcastic...but that's where most kids get the experience. I think the last kid I saw in HPDE had many years of experience racing Karts.


it sounds doable - just some extra hoops to jump through is all.


i raced karts and im not running them again after a crash so forget that.I wont even look at karts.


Ken...you want to take this one....What I want to say would probably be better said by you anyway.


I bet if he's got a kart racing license and a good attitude if he & his parents talk to his local chapter he'll be ok - but thats not my call. Its whatever regional director's call.


there are a couple kids (<16) I've been around with MA & SE - similar stories with them - did have to jump through a few hoops because of the lawyers though.


take a deep breath and go visit an event with your parents & see who you can talk into letting you try it out


Im in for my local track,but wanted to know about NASA.


get to the closest NASA event to you - or see if you can get in contact (email, phone, whatever) with the head of your region - its HIS call to let you jump through the legal hoops to work your way through HPDE if you're under 16.


hope that helps!!


I believe the national office needs to approve a 14 year old participant in addition to the director of the appropriate region, but I may be mistaken.




I'd suggest that you and your Dad come down to Summit Pt in April, met Chris and discuss your goals. It's not that difficult to get in, as long as your ego is checked at the gate, you can show some form of competition/driving experience (karts, cars, etc) and you're willing to follow the (NASA) rules. No Big Deal.


You will benefit from the training corps here with the NASA Mid-Atlantic crew, one-on-one instruction on track, plenty of classroom time and mentors, you wanna talk mentors, we got 'em.


There is a lot more to be had here that the occassional 'Flat-out' day. So after the March event, come on down and compare. I'm one of the instuctors with NASA-MA, you can ask for me and I'll show you and your Dad around and make sure you meet all the right people.

General answer would be no unless...unless you can show enough prior track experience to get your Regional Director to give you the ok.

Someone that age needs National Director approval.

General answer would be no unless...unless you can show enough prior track experience to get your Regional Director to give you the ok.

Someone that age needs National Director approval.


Thanks Sean...thats what I should have said.


Hey HOSS how long of a drive to NJ?From Pittsburgh.Also a helmet recomendation.Also a good track car since my vette wont work.


... if your thinking of coming down to Summit Pt, WV, it's only about 3 hours southeast of Pittsburgh. About 200 miles. If your looking towards Thunderbolt in Millville, NJ, thats about 350 miles from Pittsburgh.


A good closed face helmet (Bell, Simpson, Impact,G-Force) and look into renting a Miata. That is once you've gotten the National and Regional approval.


Here's Chris' email, start with him.

[email protected]



NASA/MA site - http://www.nasaracing.net/


Hope to see you at a track this season.

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