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interested in enduro in midwest


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I have not raced any NASA (SCCA & WHRRI) and have some questions. I have a SM.

Looking in schedules I see them in midwest and out west. Any others near midwest?

(for many of the next questions, I am looking for typical answers. I know event to event details are different)

What is a typical midwest weekend schedule with an enduro? I see the enduros are Friday and Friday is also an open test day. Does the enduro entry include any more than the race (practice, qual)?

If I stick around for the Sat Sun, how many more races are there?

Is the enduro entry for the car or driver (like $350 right)?

How much more is the Friday test day?

How much is the weekend entry?

Do I need to have a NASA membership, or just a racing license (I heard WHRRI is accepted)? How much is membership?


I know some of this info is around on the web, but I searched a while and it is hard to find.

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