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2010 Rule Changes

Big Dog

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Hello all.


As you all know, the period for proposed rule changes for 2010 is fast coming. I, for one, want to see a full and open discussion of any and all proposed rule changes so we can have our voices heard.


To that end, I have started a thread on the other forum in the Rules area. I think there should be a seperate thread for each proposed rule change so that discussion on that rule is all in one place. We can propose changes to the first proposal, swap ideas on how the proposed rule could be helpful or harmful to our goal of equal, low cost racing of our 944's.


Please think about things you feel would be benificial for our class and start posting them for discussion. For example, the rule now limits radiators to ones that will fit in without modification. My question is WHY? The RM region guys have a real issue with cooling. Why limit them in any way with solving the problem. It is their engines at stake. I would contend that a larger radiator is NOT a performance advantage other than keeping an engine from possible damage so why not allow a more liberial rule.


That should get you all started. Have fun, guys and gals.


Big Dog

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Thanks for starting this. Yep time to start thinking about 2010 changes. Remember 2009 was the last year of our freeze.


However in the interest of minimal changes and change needs to be backed up with some sound logic. Rules are not up for vote, but driver input is apperciated.

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