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WTB used/ almost new Cool Shirt


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looking to used/ almost new Cool Shirt (or similar other brand) setup. XL shirt smaller capacity unit would be great


let me know what you've got and what you want for it - send me a PM here






# 91

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I got a used setup myself but the shirt is too big, pretty sure its an XL - its FAST brand so make sure it will work with what unit you end up with and PM me.. I'll make you a deal if it will work out for you even better would be if you found one with say a M size shirt then we could trade?

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I got a used setup myself but the shirt is too big, pretty sure its an XL - its FAST brand so make sure it will work with what unit you end up with and PM me.. I'll make you a deal if it will work out for you even better would be if you found one with say a (kids) M size shirt


FIXED ! ! !

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