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BMW M10 Race Engine MPG

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I'm calculating how much fuel we will need in our (new to us) M10 powered e30 318i for a two hour enduro. I did not pay very close attention to how much fuel the car was using when we shook the car down last month. Anyone have a rough guess what an SCCA ITB prepped 318i with the M10 would get in MPG? The average speed would be approximately 60mph-65mph per lap.


My preliminary estimates show we may be pretty close to not having to refuel. Or, if we do....we would only need a gallon or two.



Damon in STL


Unless you're in ES or ESR you're supposed to put in 5 gallons anyway... unless your event supps override that rule


Thanks.....missed that in the rules.


Damon in STL

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