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SoCal at Cal Speedway July 31- Aug 1,2. Let's go racing!

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Those who we know are going:


Comeau renting CRE # 007 to Atteberry

Chris Allen

John Niedernhofer

Robert Hohler

Rafi Gogus

Steve Agoston

Jim Foxx

Charles Buzzetti

Jim Richmond





Hicks HPDE 3

Latteier HPDE 3

Brezinske HPDE 1

Greg Ast HPDE ?


From the talk it sounds like this event will be the biggest for SoCal 944 Spec in years!

Edited by Guest

Jim Hicks is entered and will be there in his 924S for HPDE 3. Keep climbing that ladder buddy! Didn't Maddog say you were ready for racing?


Hey, Robert Brezinske will be renting a 944 for the first time and running it in HPDE 1 on Friday only.

Keep building it guys!


That's 6 confirmed so far. I think Capt Squid will be there too.


Any chance we'll get some of the Az guys coming over?


1 big pine tree, 1 come along, straps, 2 fenders ,1 hood , 1 strut, 1 steering rack, 1 4 wheel alignment= Hohler back on the track ! Cal Speedway here I come. I'm sure the Foxx will be there too.


Well, what kind of apperance money is being offered for Big Dog to appear at Cal. Speedway?


You can count on me. I am thinking that Charlie may show up as well to "tune up" for Nationals.


Big Dog



Just got an email from Peter Latteier who has entered in HPDE 3 with his red 924S!

Keep packin' 'em in boys!!

This is really cool for me!


I'm working on it so I should be there. Still stocking up on ice for the cool suit


Greg Ast a tech I work with will be in HPDE with his 500HP 944 Turbo


That's 8 Racing and 4 HPDE.


Anyone know if Everett DeLano will make it out? Still waiting to hear from CaptSquid...


Talked to squidly yesterday. He's in. I'll update the first post of this thread.


One of my customers, Stan, is coming out to pick up Niedernhofer's old bolt -in cage for his own 944 race car.

Let's keep building 944 Spec race cars in SoCal!!

Still waiting for Maddog to come pick up his "new" chassis.


If we can get 10 racers, then NASA SoCal will award gift certifictaes to the 6th thru 10th place finishers! Start making phone calls you guys. Let's get more racers to the events!


Looks like things are going great again in Cali - tough to do in this economy! Good work, Tim!


Capt Squid is in. I will be there for Friday testing as the Squidmobile still pushes.


I will park at the far east end past the last garages where there is electrical for the motor homes. I will block off an area for the group.


It will be toasty, bring lots of drinks!


Hi, Jim. Glad to hear you will be racing. I am sure your car pushes, I set it up that way every night after you leave the track.


I park the Mothership in the RV area near the opening to the garages and on the south side of the driveway. There is electrical there as well. Do you plan to have a garage?


I plan to be there on Friday also so we can get right to it.


Big Dog


whats up with all you guys always running on friday trying to get a head star are you fine then i will be there on monday a full week before anybody with 5 sets of tires and 10 different front and rear sway bars and springs then will see who has the last laugh. lol see you guys friday night.


Thanks, Doc!

Yes, we're up and running again with a solid core.

I just picked up another sunroof delete 84 the other day, too! Price was right.......no, it was perfect!

I still have more than several cars and drivers in SoCal that are just shy of jumping in.








I've started a new program to get them going. Every NASA weekend they miss, I put a big dent in their car!

They had better start attending the "Church of Timmay!"

(just don't drink the kool-aid!)


Tim can we get one more car even if it is just for one lap to make it 10? Can you borrow a car from someone for a lap?


Our best bet is to invite some more POC drivers.

Todd von Mende

Dennis Bennett

Don Neville is in China.

Brad Actis

Ray Dicius

Call 'em up!


Sorry this won't help you guys hit your quota of 10... Friday just freed up for me so I signed up for HPDE3. Haven't run w/ NASA since my car died at the test and tune before the races in 2007.... After my first event where my cage was deemed illegal and my second attempt at Cal Speedway where I had engine trouble, hopefully 3rd try is a charm.


-jay #398


Jay no need to say your sorry glad you are coming. There will be a good group in HPDE3 Just remember ignore the heat


Tom #805


looks like HPDE3 has 5 cars or more they sould do there own race.

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