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Pit stop procedure?

richard migliori

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I can't seem to find any rules coverning a pit stop procedure as I will describe below. We have been practicing and developing strtegies for the 25 and here is or question and want to know if it is within the rules but can not find any that says we can or can not do this rutine.


Car pulls into the pit stall.

The car is jacked up and tires come off the car.

Mechanical service is stopped.

Driver change proceds

Fueling proceeds

Windows are cleaned

No work on the car is being done, but we are looking at or inspecting all suspension componants, brakes, shocks, springs, axles, etc.

Fueling complete.

New tires are installed

Car resumes to the track.


According to the rules, this proceedure has no violations, but whant to make sure that it is acceptable and does not incure any type of penalty. feel free to post your opinion on this. Thanks in advance.


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similar thing was done in years past with 88-91 Honda CRX SI that ran.


The cars would fuel starve and then had to come in, but they couldn't get the full 10gallons in with the car flat on the ground.


So they would jack it up on the fuel fill side, and then fill it and get all 10gallons in.


The only suggestion i have is that i would make very very sure that the crew isn't even coming close to working on the car. The pit lane officials are over worked, and few and far between so they might glance and see something that might be considered "work" when fueling and you will get a penalty.


Watched this happen to one of the CRX in 05...

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I don't see a problem with that - iirc there are provisions to have people walking around inspecting things... just not working. The main idea is that they wanted whoever was over the wall to be aware and ready to get away from the car if there was a flash fire during refueling.


for safety's sake I would strongly consider having them in fire gear if possible

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Thanks Ken, in our case, it is only oneperson inspecting the componants. Actually, in this case with our car, he is at all times farther away from the fueling than the extinqueser operator. In the past, we have been more concerned with th driver helper and he has a auit on because he is only inches away from the can and the fueler.



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You can only install all 4 tires in pit lane if you're running in the ES or ESR class. For E0-E2 cars, you're limited to 1 tire change or rotating 2 tires without using a new tire. Anything more and you're required to do it behind the wall.

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thanks, Gib, we are an ES / SU / SP car. We have alot going on in our pit stops and alot of people fueling the carand helping the drivers in and out of the car. our fuel crew cons8its of two complete teams operating at the same time.



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