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Need to buy my own lap timer/transponder setup... input?

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After this past weekend I'm hooked on TT and timing in general. Not sure why I waited so many years to start timing my laps. I guess because running HPDEs you rarely get a clean one.


I'm not looking to spend a $1000 on a Traqmate, I just want to be able to time my laps. What's a basic setup that will work with NASA's equipment so I don't have to rent a transponder?





you need to buy an AMB transponder to have official times - and that will not come with an in-car display without $pending $ome $eriou$ money. Depending on your region's rental rate the break-even point on buying your own TX vs renting is pretty low, espcially if you can find a deal on one


if you just want to have unofficial times there are many beacon-based systems that are affordable - HotLap is one of the popular brands iirc


Thanks for the input... I'd like to be able to time my laps when running w/ other HPDE groups. I usually run w/ the mazdadrivers guys, Synergy, and Viperdays etc.


Most DE groups won't let you do timing. (Thats why people like traqmates and other gps based timers.) Most Insurance specifically prohibit timing.


Didn't even think of that... you mean the event organizer's insurance won't allow timing? Even if done by the individual and not the organizing group?


When I ran trackdays a couple years ago we used K and K insurance. It was spelled out that when timing is used the event becomes a contest. I was told by the underwriter that if timing equipment were in use we could be denied coverage. I don't know how many clubs actually enforce this, or if most clubs have this rule. I have been to a couple days that enforce this rule.

Didn't even think of that... you mean the event organizer's insurance won't allow timing? Even if done by the individual and not the organizing group?


I don't think the insurance companies specify between self timing or organized timing.


I've heard of vigorous enforcement of self-timing, but never observed it directly at the wide variety of HPDEs that I've attended. That may be different in different regions. If you're into motorsports, and TT in particular, you're better off with some type of GPS-based system anyway. I use a Race Technologies DL-1 and it's been a fantastic tool for analyzing where I can be faster. Get the transponder for TT ($) and then save up for the GPS system of your choice ($$).


I wouldn't bother with a beacon-based lap timer when you can get a PerformanceBox for $500.


I got a Traqmate off of Ebay... now just need to get a transponder for NASA stuff.

  • 3 weeks later...

Most important is the AMB transponder, as it is required to post times if you are participating in TT (based on your signature, you are in TTS). Traqmates, etc. are strictly optional extras for your own use. Using times from GPS-based or beacon-based systems will not count toward your TT participation.


As for timing laps in DE sessions, you should check with the organizing group. They can't really do much if you smuggle your own GPS-based system into your car, though. I have seen beacon-based systems used in DEs, and you need to be careful that multiple beacons aren't accidentally set up around the track, or else everybody's times will be screwed up.




Used AMBs come up - but not very often....to set up your own acct with mylaps I think they charge to change "titles" on used ones.


The hardwire ones are more plug and play.

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If you just want laptimes, get an AMB transponder - if you want to go faster get a




If you just want laptimes, get an AMB transponder - if you want to go faster get a






When is it going to work for you?


That is what I need .....a digital record of my inadequacies...maybe I will get one for my b'day....

  • 3 weeks later...

just to let you guys know. there is a new app for the new "android" google based cell phones. it times laps, sectors, graphs g forces, etc. like a budget traqmate. i've used it around my neighborhood (not fast) just to get aquanted and it seems to work good. i'm going to try it at an event this weekend. provided you have the right phone it costs $5.00!


here's a link to their site: http://trackmaster.trackaroo.com/web/trackmaster


i bought the cell phone holder for approx. $20-30

someone has already tried it at an event and compared the times to his amb and it was within a few hundreths of a second. you still need an amb for tt, but when you run other events it should be simple and possibly productive!

  • 2 months later...

Hello all,

I have been using my Iphone with an app appropriately called.. Lap Timer. IMHO, its very good.


You need to go to the S/F line, hit the GPS button. It will find you, then aim the phone straight down the track so it knows your direction... Hit the Start button and off you go. It also does G Force left, right front and back, Top speed of each lap and a few other things. I've used it and i'm pretty happy with it.


I had an XT Lap Timer, not so good. The beacon does not put out a strong enough beam. I had to go off line in order to get close enough to the beacon for it to count my laps.


Which one do you have? There are about four or five different ones



Ok, I type in Lap Timer. Second one down, by ioDigitalDesign, Lap Time Data Aquisition. cost $11.99


I emailed with the developer. There is a bug or 2, but they are being fixed. Also note that the speed is in kph, not mph.


no affiliation what so ever, just passing along info on what I thought was a decent product.


Several people I know have used Harry's Lap Timer (the first one listed under lap timers in the app store)... It's no Traqmate, but then again, it only costs 6 bucks! When I saw it used, the iphone was zip-tied to the passenger side front downtube of the rollcage so it had line of sight to the sky through the windshield.


Home page: http://web.me.com/hschlangmann/LapTimer_Homepage/Home.html


Recent discussion with screen captures: http://www.roadraceautox.com/showthread.php?t=26491


I have run Harry's GPS Lap Timer before on track with marginal success. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't. For tracks out in the boonies like Putnam, it has some trouble receiving proper GPS signal sometimes. This leads to inaccurate lap times, but you still get G-forces and the like. Pretty good app for $5 overall.


I've recently switched to an Android-based phone, so I'll get to see how this works out comparatively speaking.


One thing I would recommend with phone-based GPS is having a good phone holder and also a car charger since GPS is known to drain battery life fairly quickly. You normally won't get much flack from tech for either part.

  • 1 month later...

Any updates to the iPhone GPS lap timer topic?


From what I read, it looks like the Tomtom iPhone car kit adds enough GPS signal to have pretty accurate lap times and is compatible with Harry's GPS Lap TImer and I wonder which others can take advantage of the Tomtom kit as well. Is that still correct?





It might work but you're out $285 if it doesn't. You need an AMB 260 (red) not 160 (yellow)


different model, I wouldn't chance it. If you had a friend that had one to borrow I'd be interested to see if it would hit on the 260 system that full size cars use though.


It's just my guess that, if the cheap one worked, everybody would be using it.


It also seems to me that, since AMB has us pretty much bent over the barrel when it comes to buying transponders, they would have us fully wrapped around the barrel for the ~$400 TranX 260 instead of giving us a break for $100 less.



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