bpanther Posted August 4, 2009 Posted August 4, 2009 NASA Extends Discounted Registration for NASA Championships RICHMOND, CA – August 4, 2009. The National Auto Sport Association (NASA) announced today that it would extend the reduced price of $599 for registration at the NASA Championships until August 31st instead of raising the price as planned. After September 1st, the late entry fee of $999 will still apply. “We felt this price break would allow more people an opportunity to register at a later date” said Ryan Flaherty, NASA National Chairman. “We hope this extension of the reduced price helps out folks that decided to wait until the end of August to register for the event and perhaps even persuades some racers who are still on the fence to come out and join the fun.” With live webcast coverage from the event, select classes receiving television coverage, and a wide array of contingencies available, the fourth annual NASA Championships presented by Toyo Tires looks to be the best yet, so don’t delay in getting yourself registered for this year’s event at Miller Motorsports Park.
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