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Stock DME or chip

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It looks like I may just go to nationals so I need a stock chip or an unmolested DME for a 1985.5. Anyone have an extra they care to sell (or donate ) ?


Steve, I have a stock ecu and stock chips. call me , Rob


one more is great news . I think RMR will have 2 more entries but we still need a few in case we lose some before Saturday !


30 entries is over $11,000


Thanks Rob, I'll give you a call today.


Chuck, 30 entries would be great to see out there. Let's see if we can persuade a couple of more SoCal guys to make it out too. R2 comes to mind


R2 racing is low on time and funds. Rafi and I will see you in October for sure.


goodluck steve show those guys what socal is all about. And let us know if you need any think else like spare parts and will try to get them for you.


Thanks Rafi, I'm still seeing if I can get it all together in time. But thanks to Rob, I've got a stock chip on the way.


I will know by the end of the week if I can make the trip or not.



How about headers and Bilstein AK struts/shocks?


I already have stock headers and Koni's on my car. Got the chip from Rob and I should be spec compliant. Right?


Hi Steve, go over the rules line by line to make sure.


We should probably look at each others car to make sure once at Miller. Maybe Tim could help us out on that.


Big Dog and I are going to try to make the test day at Buttonwillow Sept 4th. Any one else interested?


Hey Charlie, I have gone through the rules and as far as I can tell I'm legal. Tim took a look through my car recently at Buttonwillow during my first race weekend as part of the annual inspection. He didn't raise any concerns about the car's legality in 944 spec other than getting a stock chip in place.


I hope Tim's comment is purely joking and he didn't mean anything ominous by it. I don't like surprises (especially that kind) and I really don't want to waste my time going to Nationals.



I wasn't joking at all , but I wasn't being mean either. I don't know exactly what's been done or redone on your 944 so I can't put my reputation on it. I don't want to proclaim it's 100% legal if I'm not sure. It's a great idea for everybody to read the rules and ensure compliance.


Tim, as you already know the car is relatively new to me and I too am not sure what has been done or redone on it. I can't see anything obvious that would make it illegal but I can't proclaim 100% legality either.


My confidence of the car's legality depends on how absolute we are going to be about following the rules. As an example, I've seen a few of the SoCal 944 Spec cars and I recall seeing some stock headers painted on the outside. If I were following/enforcing the rules to the letter, this would be a violation of section 12.7.1 ("..... Headers may not be coated or painted inside or outside."). If I were being sensible about this particular example that I've seen, I personally would not call it a violation as I did not consider this example to be a competitive advantage.


My questions to the series directors: How would you rule on the above example? Would this be a violation and a possible DQ?


Steve I do not believe that any of the cars in the So-Cal region have a "monster motor" issue. We all seem to have pretty equal HP. Except for Jim Foxx who now appears to be down a few.


The chip is the obvious problem that could be easily found. In my experience the chip does not make additional HP. It has been legal in POC for a while and there was no advantage. Even with an aftermarket header and chip no one seemed to have more HP.


I would look at inboard rear suspension pickup points to make sure it has not been made adjustable. It should be a fixed point. Making it adjustable does not give any advantage but allows easy adjustment of camber/toe at track.


Check shocks to make sure they are the proper ones.


I am bringing scales to Miller so we can check weights and balance at track. Don't want to be light.


Check other cars to make sure throttle body, intake and air flow meter are correct.


Fuel filler neck (not sure why this rule exist but it does) I need to check mine.


Track width, I need to check mine. I have always assumed it was legal since I do not use spacers.


eye ball suspension bushings. make sure not all metal.


I have met Mark Foley at POC but do not know him personally. I have no reason to suspect that his car was not legal for POC. There are different rules for POC so just be sure you got it covered.


Lets get together at Miller and make sure all cars are legal. We don't want a Spec Miata problem on our hands.




See....that's why I love this class.

Charlie's reply was helpful, friendly, informative. Both drivers WANT to comply with the rules!

Excellent. That sets the tone for all the newer drivers coming into the class.

In my experience the chip does not make additional HP. It has been legal in POC for a while and there was no advantage. Even with an aftermarket header and chip no one seemed to have more HP.


There are two types of chips... off-the-shelf generic "performance" chips that increase the rev-limit and just blindly ramp up ignition timing and fuel or whatever, and chips that are custom-tuned for your engine on a dyno. The second one is what makes power, but only a few of us have the ability to do that, so it's not really in the spirit of the class and I have to agree with it being illegal.


We all know your a big fat cheater so just admit it! We know your putting steroids in your tank before each race and claiming you just thought they were supplements!


WHAT!!!!!! STEROIDS aren't legal?


Now what am I going to do?


Oh well I will just have to go back to the little blue bottle.


little blue bottle ... little blue pill what ever it takes ! just be ready to have fun racing 944's in UT in less than 4 weeks !


Charlie, thanks for the helpful comments on what to look. The car was POC spec legal and only a stock chip away from being NASA legal. I will be swapping chips sometime next week and I'm hoping to be able to get a short dyno session to test the difference.


It would be great to out to the test and tune but I just don't have the time to do it. It's already a struggle to make it out to Miller on just a few weeks notice.


Rob, you're just a jealous little girlie man


Steve let me tell you a little story about changing the chip. Be sure to push it all the way in. Not sure if it snaps in or has locking tab but I had a problem at Cal Speed last year and found that the chip was not tight in holder. After swaping DME's at track I went to put mine back in. I heard something moving in DME and and found chip had fallen out of holder.

Haven't had an intermitent running problem since.


Just an FYI.


Looks like there will be a large stock of spare parts at Nats. so don't worry about spares, just bring what you got.


Thanks Charlie, I will definitely look to see that the chip is well seated.


I now have a stock chip in the car


While there wasn't much difference in power, the stock chip's AFR measured leaner than the performance chip. Should I be worried if the AFR measured from 15.3 - 14.0 or is that typical of our cars? As a reference, the performance chip's AFR measured from 14.4 - 12.1. Is there an adjustment in the MAF to run a little richer?

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