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Road Atlanta update/results

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Alright doing this quick after long day of work.


Several long voyages friday to the track (I had 6 hrs of hell from charlotte) but we had a number of folks practice friday and I think 17 AI cars, 5 AIX and 5 CMC take the qualifying.


Again this is all from my view so others jump in as there was great racing everywhere.



Dean got pole with a killer time followed by me and Rusty and a number of AIX and Mustang challenge entries.

Start of race Dean was off and running and after some position changes Rusty and I were 2 and 3. A full course caution and then black flag had us finish that way but was alot of hard running and fun times till then.



Qualifying race Dean spun and Rusty got first and me second. At start of race Rusty jumped ahead and Dean (row 3 mind you) showed the goods to get in to second by the top of 1. Back and forth everyone went and Ray Mason joined in so 4 cars running hard as hell. Ray passed me but I got it back a few laps later. Cash and I (AIX) battled hard as hell for several laps and had a blast. Finishing order was Rusty , Dean, and I.


For those that have missed these events it was a total blast and I hope everyone jumps in on there race details.

Special thanks to Ed for all his cooking on Friday night and the kegs supplied by Ken.

Join us at Watkins Glen as it has been a fun time every event


Official Results are posted:

AI - Saturday Race

Dean Martin

Chris DeSalvo

Rusty Ferguson

Ryan Winchester

Brian Tone

Dean Smeltzer

Landon Ball

Carl Wooten

Shawn Taylor

Norman Phelps

Patrick Wehmeyer

Bruce Byerly


AIX - Satruday Race:

Cash Canada

Ed McGuire

Jim Pantas

Tony Cook


AI - Sunday Qualifying Race

Rusty Ferguson

Chris DeSalvo

Ray Mason

Dean Martin

Brian Tone

Dean Smeltzer

Ryan Winchester

Landon Ball

Carl Wooten

Ken Goldwasser

Shawn Taylor

Bruce Byerly


AIX - Sunday Qualifying Race

Cash Canada

Ed McGuire

Jim Pantas

Tony Cook


AI - Sunday Main Race

Chris DeSalvo

Brian Tone

Dean Smeltzer

Bruce Byerly

Ryan Winchester

Landon Ball

Shawn Taylor

Ken Goldwasser


Rusty Ferguson

Dean Martin

Ray Mason


AIX - Sunday Main Race

Cash Canada

Ed McGuire

Jim Pantas

Tony Cook



EDIT: DQ's were for passing under yellow.




DQ's are under review and will most likely be overturned due to some evidence presented by the guys dinged for the passes. Stay tuned...




P.S. Great racing this weekend and glad to see the AIECCS doing so well-many thanks and congrats to Chris, Robin, and Jeff for their work here.

Is Cash Canada a person or a sponsor?


Great name eh? Its like Lake Speed.


Dunno about passing under yellow, but it was fun to be there with everyone.


Once Pat W helped me remove the intermittent automatic "kill switch" demon from my car, it was actually fun to start dead last behind a big field of cmc/Ai cars. Starting 58th on sat was fun too.


With luck and some "Cash Canada" we'll see you guys at the glen.


Chris - I'm coming for you

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