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Build Advice - 94 or 2000

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I have two cars available for an SM build, a 2000 and a 94.


The 94 already has the SM suspension, all it needs is a cage and safety equipment, bushings, hubs,etc (and eventually a fresher motor). With the 2000 I'll be starting from scratch (slightly less mileage than 94) but it's also an automatic. I already have all parts for the conversion because that was what I was going to do with it anyway . Other than difference in cost to prepare, what advantages, if any, are there for building one or the other? Based on my numbers it's only going to be about an extra $1k to prep the '00. Thanks for the input! Thais car will likely only be raced with NASA fwiw.



Well, decision made...looks like it will be the 2000, evidently my 94 sold yesterday unaware to me. I'll keep the updates posted...will be starting the tear down within the week.

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