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How about enduro for the Nationals?

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Thanks wolfpack for your input. You are spot on for the importance of strategy and not wearing out equipment. I would definately lobby for that tire rule and fuel restriction as it would bring better racing at a national event. It seems that the populus tends toward a 6 hour that does level the playing field, and relies on team work.



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Can you guys enlighten me as to the function behind the 1 tire per stop rule? Exactly what does this rule accomplish, it seems silly to me, but what do I know :/



All classes have a tire and fuel rule except ES and ESR. I really don't know who or why this so you will have to ask the King!.


[email protected]



Can you guys enlighten me as to the function behind the 1 tire per stop rule? Exactly what does this rule accomplish, it seems silly to me, but what do I know :/


alot of the restrictions are to lower the budgets and such necessary to compete in the lower classes. With only 1 tire allowed per stop you can't really run soft tires and change them often for example


I always felt like the one tire rule was a matter of keeping pit work to a minimum to keep pit safety up.


Just caught this thread while surfing around the forum....


After running my first enduro's this last season, I'm hooked, and the idea of a 3-6 hour "National" race got my attention! Here in the MW, one of the ideas we've been kicking around is a longer, feature enduro rather than 2-3 shorter races. We had troubles last season building interest, and having all but the early RA race shortened to 2 hours didn't help. Perhaps 2 shorter races per region and a 6 hour championship race would help build a real NASA endurance series. Getting some of the sponsors on board for contingencies would/should help also.


I know if a 6 hour race was held at Nats, I'd do my best to race it and the sprints, but having a dedicated day/weekend/track to just a 6 hour might make more sense.


I would think with track time being squeezed already at the Nationals, the longer the race we suggest, the harder it would be to schedule.


A shorter race might could be done at the nationals easier. A longer race at a different event might be the best way of getting the track time. NASA SE has a 9 hour race already for next weekend. That event might be perfect.


But what I read here is that we want a long race at the nationals. I just don't know that that formula can work.


I say keep enduro where enduro belongs, in enduro. a bit redundant, but isnt that exactly why nasa has the enduro class?

I say keep enduro where enduro belongs, in enduro. a bit redundant, but isnt that exactly why nasa has the enduro class?


rather than have maybe 1 or 2 cars per class and 3,452 classes, cars with similar enough performance to not matter in long races are grouped together. If you notice there are also classes from other clubs (like SCCA, BMWCCA, PCA, etc) that are also given a direct conversion into enduro classes as well.


ah you bring a good point, saturate each class with more cars without changing too much. well, like some sort of bipolar voter, you've got my thumbs up now!

  • 2 weeks later...

I have done some research lately and found the the UK, Japan, New Zealand have 6-12-24 enduros on a monthly basis. The only steady diet of enduros are pros and not attainable by club racers. As this thread continues, you guys are losing sight of the whole thing. Enduro racing is not just another class. It is a whole series that doesn't require alot of horse power to win. It is a team effort that shares the cost of participants. If you make a mistake, you have time to recover. Why the nationals at the nationals. It needs to be at the nationals because all members of the NASA organization should experience the National's Ora, if you will, with the racers that they have competed against throughout the year. To be politically correct, I would say that not having the class is discriminating against all members that drive only endurance races and currently have no place in the nationals. The guys that say endurance racing wears out equipment, well you guys don't know how to race then, that's all I have to say about that. Squezing it in? The track is rented for a certain amount of time. It can easily be placed in a week long agenda. to be continued...


Part 2:

I would consider myself as a pretty serious enduro person. So, ask me anything that is on your mind and I'll give you the straight up. For those that have never ran an enduro event, you are really missing out on alot of fun and racing. What I don't understand is when I contact other regions about enduros, it's like they are more of a hassle than an event. Arizona last count only had 9 cars? what's up with that? Their next enduro: a 100 minute? give me a break! most guys and gals can drive the whole thing with no pit stops. That is a total embarrassment to the endurance community. I want to have some good ammunition from all of you members so that I can submit a proposal for an enduro at the nationals where it belongs. I am going to plan this at the end of January and meet with NASA and want some good ideas and feed back from the membership throughout the states.




Conner, you need to go back to endurance school so you understand what it is. Clue: Endurance class is the same as any other NASA class: CMC, SU, Etc.) They are all treated the same.

Kent, You are on the right track there and your insight is exactly what I am talking about, (getting hooked on endurance racing) Your idea is going in the right direction when you said about having some shorter series enduros and then meeting up to a 6 hour at the nats. Perfect thinking. Without a national enduro, then no one would have the goal of running local enduros, ie: no series no points, no season championship, no National event.

In order to make this happen, we have to work smart and quickly.


Thanks, Richard


The upside of endurance racing is to numerous to list but the only downside to it is that it is boring to watch as a spectator.


I would be interested in a 6hr Enduro at the Nationals after all the sprint racing is done. I'm sure plenty of the 944 guys would team up and participate. Maybe even have regional teams. So-Cal, Nor-Cal etc.

It would have to be a day event to get the sprint racers to join in. Most of us don't have lights.

Require a one Enduro qualifier to enter. This would increase the enduro entries nationwide for NASA.


lights are very easy to add though, especially if you've got an afternoon to assemble your pre-fabricated light bar or whatnot.


I think your chance to get some of the sprint guys to come on board will be greatly hampered by complicating the effort to compete. We will be focused on the sprint nationals and all effort to prepare car will go to that event.


If it is a day event then cars that are still running and in good condition can compete without having to figure our lights and such.


At this point there is no National Enduro. Might want to make this as easy as possible the first year.


I see two problems with the current direction of the discussion.


1. A 6 hour race with or without any qualifying will take the balance of one full track day.

That means that in order to fit the enduro into the Nationals schedule everything will have to be moved up a day or moved back a day. My guess is that under the current agreement with Miller Motorsports Park this is not remotely possible. Its a main reason why I suggested initially that this event should be either shorter or an event of its own.


If this is a three hour race, its possible that the powers that be can squeeze their schedule to accomidate a part of the afternoon for an enduro. If its a 6 hour race, an event of its own is about the only way to go.


2. Seems that we are talking about trying to attract National championship Sprint racers to run the enduro which is different than attracting the best field of cars and teams for a championship enduro race.


I like the idea of a National Championship Enduro. If you are serious about getting a race, its first and foremost important to know what the powers that be have to work with before you lock yourself into something.


I'd be happy to see anything - the racer in me just wants to push for an event where I'd have a bit more advantage is all (race distances, prep required, etc )


Has this subject been broached with Jerry or any other administrator that runs the Nationals?


The first weekend in December is the 8 hour enduro Toy Run race NASA SE has put on the past two years. If we cut that race to 6 hours, we could run one practice and one qualifying session and then the race. A one day event for a national championship.


Its a Championship level course. Its after the nats. Its perfect.


The subject has been broached. Give me commitments and maybe we can get it done.


I knew that. Its been that way. These are two different things. A 6 hour race and a 25 hour race are two different things. Most people out east where Road Atlanta is are not going to haul to California anyway. I realize there are some people that would want to do both, but its also likely that most people that could do one would not be able to do the other if they were on seperate weekends.


This is an event that has been on the calender for two years and has been pulled off well. Its ready to be more than it is. We could possibly run it in the middle of June at Road Atlanta. Could be really hot by then. You tell me what you want.


The Nationals schedule will not be able to fit an enduro very likely. Jim Pantas puts on a good event and this is hard to get track time at a major league racing venue.


You want a National Championship Enduro. I have reason to believe that if you want this race, this race can be it. Now its up to you.


You can't have 2 nationals at 2 different places. The travel expenses are prohibitive.

When the 25 comes on the same weekend I would not think twice of going back east to drive an 8 hour. Apples and oranges.

I have spoke to Jerry about this and he said he would talk to me after the end of the year. Why divide the NASA membership at a time when NASA puts on their premier event? The previous nats I have attended has alot of practice sessions. It would not make any difference in scheduling practice of the endurance entries within or cut 5 min from each group and give it to endurance cars. (easy). It is nothing for endurance entrants to practice and qualify 70 cars at one time. It is a NO BRAINER! What is the curfew at Miller? They get a waiver at TH for the 25, so I am sure they can obtain one at Miller to run in the evening. Regular racing or practice ends at 4:00 PM and endurance starts at 4:30 and runs until 11:30, Done before midnight. Practice and qualifying doesn't have to be on the same day. In fact, if they can't designate a paractice for the enduro cars they can filter them through the practice sessions of their respective classes. ES with SU, ST1,- CMC with E1, etc.) These classes are not full anyway and besides they can load the track as car count is determined by the insurance policy the group holds. So they can put 100 plus cars in a session if they want. I really want to make a hard charging effort in getting enough interest in this event. I live 40 minutes from the national office and can go and make a nuisance of myself in a good way.

Need more input and ideas.



You can email me too [email protected] or call and chat 209 518-4778

I would like to get all my ducks in a row before presenting this to NASA


Your not likely to get the East Coast guys to go along with this until the Nats is back in Mid-O. Then the West Coast guys won't be there.


Not sure how many sprint racers do enduros. I do know of a few.


I am definetly interested in an Enduro at the Nats but would prefer it to be during the day for the reasons stated above. I only want to prepare one race car for the Nats.


this is why i suggested running this national championship enduro in the east when the nationals are out west and in the west when the nationals are in the east.


seems logical to me.

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