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Racer from "Other" format seeking advice (SCCA or NASA)


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I'm NOT new to racing but I am new to road racing. Combined, I have 28 years of racing experience (NHRA, AMA, APBRA, FTR, AHRA, NJGA). I've also spent years on a private Cart track running a 500cc shifter cart. But now that I'm financially ready, my long term desire to road race is soon to be a reality. So my question is which sanctioning body would better suit what I'm looking for? All the races I've been in were more or less spectator sports with exception of a few "club" events. There was alot of brotherhood and excitement knowing the weekend crowds were rooting for their favorites. We were truly rubbing elbows with the million dollar pro-teams but were all on the same playing field. The events were run the same for all competitors..same rules, same goals, same prizes/trophies. I've been to a few regional SCCA events and was shocked at the lack of enthusiasm. And the winners? Well, they just walked up to the local trophy guy, announced what place they finished in their class, and were handed a plaque. WOW! That was exciting... Don't get me wrong, I respect them and what they did for motor racing and I would like to enter some of their events, but I'm looking for something more. More venues, more series, more diversity, and more enthusiasm. I'm interested in regionals, nationals, special invitationals, series, and especially endurance races.


I've read the NASA CCR, SCCA GCR, and the USERA many times over trying to get a grasp on the different classes. I always built and modified my own cars (I'm an ex engine builder/fabricator) and have a need for speed. In SCCA I would be running a CSR/DSR car which I believe would cross class to a NASA SU and ESR in the endurance series.


Anyway, I have hundreds of questions, but the biggie is really NASA or SCCA?


Thanks in advance for ANY input.

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This is kind of a biased place to ask...


Here's my take:


We used to run SCCA regional and national events, and now run with NASA. Our reasoning was


1) MUCH better classing structures, there is truly a place for everyone to run

2) better crowd of people

3) tracktime/dollar NASA smokes SCCA (atleast by us it does, not sure if its the same everywhere)

4) no politics; if you have a problem, you talk to someone, it gets figured out, done.


6) "cooler" cars (no offense, but cmon, still holding on to that Healey? Really!?)

7) where else do you see a radical line up next to a ls7 morgan aero 8 with a twin turbo daytona prototype giving chase at the same time? I'll wait...


There is more but that was just straight from the top of my head onto the screen.


NASA is awesome. Period. Run it if your cool. No pressure!

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Thanks Weed...can I call you Weed?


That's also been my take with the extensive research I've done thus far. Funny thing though, I just read another post where someone inquired about purchasing a DSR and wondering what class he would run in NASA. The consensus was that they "can't be seen coming up behind you" and that they shouldn't be running in NASA since there is no class specifically for SR's. Granted, the performance of these little cars is more on the LeMans end of road racing and the speeds are high and the visibility is low. But it seems to me that if the club wants more racers then they should encourage ALL types of racing. And, as the participation of these cars grow, then perhaps NASA could see fit to create a new class for these high performance machines. In fact I just read somewhere that NAMEC/NASA encourages DSR/CSR, and SRF Sports Racers to enter their six race endurance series in Texas.

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they can run SU or even STR1 if they are low enough hp for wheel to wheel and TTR/U for time trials. The thing about the visibility issue is that either way its the passing car's responsibility to execute a safe pass. To help the issue though, paint your car a bright visible color. My legends car is small, so i painted it neon orange, most people that even half pay attention will notice a bright flicker in the mirror and look at/find you. Ive done practice days where i was the only closed wheel car they threw me in with the formula cars and i could see them. A sports racer should be easier to see then a formula car i would think...


Also, whether your driving a sports racer or station wagon, everyone should try endurance racing, its great fun and opens up a whole new area of motorsports.

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One of the most dominant guys on the west coast in NASA competes in both time trial and wheel-to-wheel racing in a Radical.


I don't know how the dimensions, aspect ratio and profile of the Radical compare to a DSR but I encourage you to check into it.


The Radical is probably not a lot more visible than the DSR would be and he gets along fine in traffic.


Of course with a Hayabusa-based V8 in a radical, he knows that for many of us, he goes from a tiny speck in the rear view mirror to filling the mirrors in about a half second so he has to be cautious when passing.


On the other hand, we're family and have been racing together for years so we're all looking out for each other.


Welcome to NASA.

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  • 1 month later...

What I have seen in the SE is not what you are reporting. There seems to be an attitude that if are not one of their gang you can forget any help. In the SE SCCA has it hands over NASA. I have been looking at running with NASA because of friends but until there is a rule book that makes sense I will be on hold. I can only speek from what I have seen in the SE. I do have hope that it will change and I am willing to comment/help with rule book clean up but I was told they have the rules that they like and if I didn't like it go somewhere else. In spite of that I am still willing to help outside of the SE.

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Where are you located digger1?


There is no reason you can't run with SCCA and NASA, then decide which one YOU like better. Each part of the country is going to be different, it's also dependent on what YOU want out of it... some guys are there for social reasons, others to chase a title. I got a buddy with a DP02 and he's never been to a NASA race, whereas I haven't run SCCA in 2 years. With a CSR/DSR in TX you'd be on track with FA, FC, FM, FB, etc. With NASA you'd be on track with all production cars. Who do you want to run with? Do you have something that will win CSR/DSR?


As far as trophies, what you describe is the same with NASA. With the exception of a year end national event, don't expect big crowds and award ceremonies with either group. If you want all that, want to race a SR, and have the coin, look into IMSA Lites.

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...I have been looking at running with NASA because of friends but until there is a rule book that makes sense I will be on hold. I can only speek from what I have seen in the SE. I do have hope that it will change and I am willing to comment/help with rule book clean up but I was told they have the rules that they like and if I didn't like it go somewhere else. In spite of that I am still willing to help outside of the SE.


What about the NASA CCR doesn't make sense?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd suggest visiting an event, or several events for both groups. Talk to some competitors.... see which you like. I suspect that at any serious SCCA event you'd be lucky to get the time of day. at NASA, you'll probably get a beer.

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What I have seen in the SE is not what you are reporting. There seems to be an attitude that if are not one of their gang you can forget any help. In the SE SCCA has it hands over NASA. I have been looking at running with NASA because of friends but until there is a rule book that makes sense I will be on hold. I can only speek from what I have seen in the SE. I do have hope that it will change and I am willing to comment/help with rule book clean up but I was told they have the rules that they like and if I didn't like it go somewhere else. In spite of that I am still willing to help outside of the SE.

What rules are you not happy with? I am sure we'd be more than happy to help you with them. Come see me at our next event (Road Atlanta - Dec 4-5-6) - I'll be more than happy to answer any rule questions you might have. The normal response 99% of the time is that folks are elated with the simplicity of the NASA rules.


We also have an option for *SR cars in our races but many regions may not know to turn the option on in the online registration system, contact your local regional director and I am sure they'll make room for you!


FWIW: we suggest to all Sports Racers in our region to equip their car with some type of headlights/foglights usually at the top of the rollbar - it makes them very easy to spot...

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