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Working Nationals?

Lucid Moments

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Kind of thinking out loud for next year. Unless something drastic changes very soon (and there is nothing in the wind so to speak) there is no chance that I will have an opportunity to drive at the nationals for a variety of reasons. When I can't drive in my region (SE) I come out and volunteer and earn track time while I'm doing it. How would that work out at the Nationals?

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  • National Staff

I'm not really sure what you are asking, but if you are asking if you can use your regional free track time "credit" to get a better price or free track time at the Championships, the answer is no.

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Sorry I was at work and didn't think through my post clearly. I am talking about possibly working/volunteering at the 2010 Nationals.


1. Do I get credit for working nationals that I can use in my region, and if not what do they do for people willing to work nationals.


2. How are accommodations and such handled for workers? I'd get myself there and back of course but other than that I would hope I wouldn't have to spend much of my own money.


2. Is it as much fun as I think it would be? I know when we are working in the SE then we are working, but when when we aren't working we have been known to have a good time. If I'm going to take the time off from my regular job to do this then I want to have some fun too.

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  • National Staff

It really depends on what job you would be doing. Contact Dave Balingit directly to discuss these issues, and what type of job that you may be qualified to do.

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