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New Sports Racer Class?


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I propose a new NASA class/series for both closed cockpit sports racers (Diasio, Fusion, Lynx, etc.) and open cockpit sports racers (Stohr, West, Speads, Van Diemen, etc.). This would give sports racers a common class to race in and move current NASA sports racers (SU, ES, ESR) into their own class. I propose a P1 class to include current SCCA CSR cars. A P2 class to include current SCCA DSR cars. And a SRF class for Spec Racer Fords. Also, these cars would be eligible for the NASA/USERA endurance series. Further, a national series for NASA sports racers would be the equivalent to a mini-LeMans series. This would greatly increase NASA membership by having a similar class for current SCCA sports racers that are looking for more or looking to "cross-over". It would also allow NASA sports racers to participate in SCCA regional races. Further, a NASA sports racer class would give IMSA Lite racers a regional place to race during their "off season" (IMSA Lite cars meet SCCA CSR requirements). This would also eliminate the problem of trying to find the proper group to place SU cars. Some NASA drivers don't like the idea of racing side-by-side with these faster and smaller cars. I heard many different opinions but the general consensus is they are hard to see and there closing rate is very high. It only makes sense that sports racers run in their own class for safety reasons. As a final note. I didn't mention Formula cars because I think open-wheel cars should run with open-wheel cars. But that's just my opinion.


Just A Thought..

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  • National Staff

Thanks for the input and suggestions.


However, we already allow Sports racers in SU, STR1, STR2, and PTB (for SRF's and RSR's). There is no need for a P1 and P2. If a driver wants to run under the DSR and CSR rules, there is already a place for them to do that. NASA racers that have those cars can already go and race in DSR or CSR if they want--don't need any changes on our side for them to do that. SU is the place for most of those cars in NASA--that is why we now have ST and STR--so the cars that don't belong in SU have a place to go. That leaves the fast sports racers and monocoque cars for SU. As well, there will never be enough of these cars at NASA regional events on a regular basis to give them their own run group without other car types. We have now had four years of National Championships (where a Radical has won in TTR and SU many times), and still only a handful of these cars have come out over the 4 years. We do not need more classes. We just need more cars to fill the classes we currently have.

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Thank you Greg & Ken, I stand corrected.


I haven't raced with NASA as yet, but have been doing alot of research on the different classes. As a prior engine builder & chassis fabricator, I've decided to race a SR. I like that SU rules are virtually unlimited, but also want to be able to enter SCCA events as well. I guess that will limit me to some extent in order to be cross classed with minimal changes.


I guess my mind got ahead of me. Being a big fan of ALMS and endurance racing in general, it would be nice to have a similar class in which all participants are running SR cars. Then again, because the number of entries in all classes are constantly growing within both organizations, the groups are getting larger. In fact, the last SCCA regional I attended, had no less than 5 classes in each groups. I believe there were six or seven groups that day. Talk about mixed running.


So, I see your point Greg. And as I've never attended an endurance race in NASA/SCCA, I'm not even sure what to expect there either. It does look as though I will be joining NASA in the near future and be competing in SU class, if as you said, that where most of the SR cars run.


Thanks for your input.


Gary (digger)

Venice, Florida

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