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Quickest Way To A Competition License


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My research indicates that I need to progress up to a competition license using the HPDE program. Truth be told, I'm VERY apprehensive about that procedure. With 30 years of combined racing experience, I know what it's like to be a rookie AND I know what it's like running a course with people that have no clue as to what their doing. And I'm usually the one getting run off the course!


I'm not attempting to be arrogant since that would be out of character for me, however, the last thing I want to do is run a road course with a bunch of wanna-be Andriettes', Schumachers', and Pettys'. Most of these types have no idea about respect and safety for the track, their machine, their competitors, or their own abilities. Frankly, I'm 48 years old and don't want it shortened by some yahoo kid. Now granted, I haven't raced on a road course but have done many test and tunes with closed wheel, open wheel, bikes, etc. And my racing was drags, offshore, moto, rally, and scrambles. I know racing, but have no good amount of time in a road race car (except 500cc shifter carts). I'm ready, willing and able to take instruction on all the road race basics. And I've always believed that anything can be taught, but doing it well is a gift. Either your in the zone, or your not. Some have it and some don't. I know what I have, but it needs to be fine tuned for road racing.


So back to my main question. How do I obtain my comp license in the shortest amount of time, safely, and able to progress based on my own ability? I have looked into racing schools, but all have their own curriculum and different program structures.


Surely, NASA has structured driving school programs without going through HPDE? Private Schools perhaps? Or should I attend the SCCA driving school, get my regional, national, then cross-over to NASA?


BTW: If I need to provide my own car for the schools, the only thing I'll have available is a single seat CSR/DSR.


Please Help?

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You don't need to do hpde to get a comp license. You just need to go to comp school. They usually do one at the beginning of the year. Or you can do a racing school like Skip Barber, or whatever. At least it was that way a few years ago when I did it.

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  • National Staff
You don't need to do hpde to get a comp license. You just need to go to comp school. They usually do one at the beginning of the year. Or you can do a racing school like Skip Barber, or whatever. At least it was that way a few years ago when I did it.


You cannot just "go to comp school" without any road course driving experience.

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And there arent as many "wannabees" as you assume there are...hell to be honest with you, I wouldnt want to be racing next to someone that has never been on a road course at all. So if I were you, start at the bottom of the ladder and if you are as talented and skilled as you think you are, you will move up very quickly.

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We get these emails all the time, many drivers feel they don't need to go thru HPDE as they have lots of "experience". Every time we get folks who have short cut the system they end up at the back of the pack or off track due to forgetting where it went! Our HPDE system has churned out quite a few quality professional winning drivers, you are only short changing yourself if you skip that.

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I am also working my way for my full competition license. I currently have my provisional comp license that I obtained through driving schools but I feel that you still do not get enough seat time to be ready for full open racing . I started signing up for HPDE classes I currently run in HPDE 4 when I ran HPDE 1 my car only had one seat . my instructor took me out in his vehicle for one session and the rest of the weekend we did a lead-follow I was then signed off for HPDE 2 and so on. With my "Rookie" comp license I could have started racing from day one but i'm sure glad I did not. Unless you have run side by side with cars in a open road track where passing is allowed everywhere then I would start at HPDE-1 and move up from there ..


Good luck,




#91 GTS3

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Not to jump on any bandwagon or anything but....


Run hpde's starting with group 1. I went your alternate route and think it was a mistake. I had 2-3 years of circle track, a year of open passing "track days" i guess you would call them (i ran on track when this IMSA team my dad was on would rent a track.), and like 2-3 autocrosses under my belt when i decided to get into w2w. The thing is, i ran an ITA car, and in my run group a lot of spec miatas used to use it as a way to (smartly) double their track time. I went through my drivers school and was one of the fastest guys of the school by the end of the day. Then i went straight to a race and got tossed in with all the crazies of spec miata and the fast IT guys. What an eye opener it was! I went from super confident in my speed to thinking i had lead tied to my car. I eventually got more comfortable with my surroundings but that first season or so was a doozy!


Knowing what i know now, i think that from a driver development perspective the only thing that can beat the nasa system even in your car would be to hire some national champion csr/dsr drivers, and hire some top gun rolex DP/ ALMS P1/2 drivers. Then some how get them to share all their secrets with you. You get one on one instruction, followed by slowly easing up passing rules as you progress through the ranks. Leading into open passing, time trials and then w2w. This will give you lots of chances to get used to running your car around others doing the same in a no pressure environment. Plus, you get to figure out slowly the better ways to blow past people in slower cars with your sports racer. It will teach you patience and even more situational awareness than you already have, which will be mandatiry for you and your car, even if you are already awesome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have done 12 HPDE events this year, first year on the tarck. I track with PCA, BMW, MB, and private outfits like SCDA, Track Dayz and FATT. Mostly at Summit Point, also at VIR and NJMSP.


I would also like to start the trip up the ladder to obtaining a Comp License. I will be at my first NASA event this November at S. PT main. At that time would I ask to move up to HPDE 2 or 3, depending where they have placed me at the beginning? I have been on S. PT. main 12 track days this year, and have been soloed by all groups that I have tracked with. I am still in the intermediate solo group.


I understand from this site that after HPDE 3/4 and can go to TT is that correct?


Does NASA allow the use of Traqmate during HPDE events?


Who would I speak to at S. PT event about the above?


Thank you very much for your help, and looking forward to tracking and in time racing with your group.



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