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2010 rules reviewed ?

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Mid-week - I'll post a summary here of the general areas of the rules which are being reviewed. (Not changed...REVIEWED.)


anyone ? anyone ? Hello


THe directors have not even seen them yet. I'm waiting for a summary also.

Mid-week - I'll post a summary here of the general areas of the rules which are being reviewed. (Not changed...REVIEWED.)


anyone ? anyone ? Hello


I'm fairly certain Todd and the rest of the AI crew are very busy. They have a lot of information to organize, and discuss. I would be surprised if they are able to get through it all this week. Remember everyone has a regular paying job, as well as volunteering for AI duty.


No problem, Steve. I need you guys to keep me honest & on my toes.


Your new AI Leadership Team has been identified (for the most part.)

The following folks will meet tonight @ 8PM (at a secret undisclosed location) to discuss the State of the Union, our plans forward...and the 2010 AI Rules.


Todd Covini - National AI Director

Greg Brown - Great Lakes AI Director

Jimmy Bost - Mid Atlantic AI Director

Raybob Coleman - Rocky Mountain AI Director

Al Fernandez - Texas AI Director

Chris Griswold - Midwest AI Director

Ed McGuire - Southeast AI Director

Patrick Wehmeyer - Florida AI Director

Adam Ginsberg - California AI Director (Acting - Announcement TBD)

Al Watson - Northeast AI Director (Acting - Anouncement TBD)


As Chris mentioned, I am still working on the RCR summary spreadsheet and have yet to distribute it to the team once complete. (tons of great info & points of view to sort thru!)


As Dave mentioned, the (new) day job, relocation last week & family stuff has delayed progress a bit but we're still working to get things out on time at the end of this weekend.


NASA HQ (JWL, Flaherty & others) are on point and ready to receive our final rules package proposal for approval this weekend, once it is completed. I've removed those folks from the working discussions so that we can have everyone on an equal footing to hash out what the series needs in the coming years without any bias.


Remember....The 2010 AI rules are just one piece of the AI puzzle to put back together. The other key pieces are to set expectations and norms for the AI Directors, learn more about regional car demographics and other stuff.


So stay tuned...I'll share the list of general topics being reviewed once the directors get the spreadsheet. We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there!!!


-=- Todd Covini


AIECCS 2010 schedule will be out shortly there after. Perhaps under new name........

Remember....The 2010 AI rules are just one piece of the AI puzzle to put back together. The other key pieces are to set expectations and norms for the AI Directors, learn more about regional car demographics and other stuff.



Put back together? I didn't know anything was broken...

Remember....The 2010 AI rules are just one piece of the AI puzzle to put back together. The other key pieces are to set expectations and norms for the AI Directors, learn more about regional car demographics and other stuff.


Put back together? I didn't know anything was broken...


OK...ok..you're right. Poor choice of words. The other key pieces we need to PUT TOGETHER are the "C's.


Costs (reduction)

Compliance (regular/routine tech)

Camaraderie (keepin' it fun)

Competition (close)

Car count (gettin' the #'s up)


Many thanks to the Leadership Team for hanging in there for over 2 hours this evening to discuss the big picture going forward. In addition to getting to know everyone, recapping where the series has been, where we are and where we need to go, we briefly discussed ~25 RCR's for the 2010 season (and beyond).


More work to do, however, if you've got any further questions or concerns contact your series director for more info.


-=- Todd

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