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WORLD PREMIERE VIDEO - 2009 Texas AI/CMC Season Recap (HD)

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WORLD PREMIERE VIDEO – 2009 Texas AI/CMC Season Recap (Now in HD!!!)


2-Time CMC Champion Eric Varner and all the production folks at TEK Racing are proud to release yet another musical musclecar montage of the Texas AI/CMC racing season this Saturday, Nov. 14th at the 6th Annual AI/CMC Texas.com Awards Banquet being held in Waco, TX.


For those of you who would like to join in on the banquet fun, meet/greet all the stars of the movie, as well as honor our season champions and the efforts of our racing family, here are the details:


Date : Saturday 11/14/09

Time : 2-8PM

Location: Texas Sports Hall of Fame

City: Waco, TX

Cost : $10/ person

Food : Uncle Dan’s BBQ catered in

Drink : BYOB


Linner served ~3pm…World Premiere Video and Honoring our stars soon to follow.


Come one, come all….free High Definition DVD’s for those who attend.

Limited availability thereafter (unless someone posts a lo-res link here).


-=- Todd Covini

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