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So when are rules finally coming out??

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I was curious how many holidays we would pass before they would be released.

I was curious how many holidays we would pass before they would be released.





No rules package!


No updates on the AI website!


No schedule!


Same old BS! I should have put in for vacation for next year season weeks ago.....




2010 AI West Schedule:


February 6-7, Infineon Raceway

March 12-14, California Speedway

April 24-25, Thunderhill Raceway

May 22-23, Willow Springs International Raceway

June 26-27, Infineon Raceway

July 31- August 1, California Speedway

Sept. 16-19, Nationals @ MMP

Oct (TBD), Infineon Raceway

Nov 6-7 Buttonwillow Raceway


several series are experiencing delays, not just you guys


Be patient....I still have to read thru 16 pages of the "State of the Union" thread.

Sorry for the delay guys & gals, we should have it all finalized shortly.

Getting down to the short hairs now.


-=- Todd Covini

Be patient....I still have to read thru 16 pages of the "State of the Union" thread.

-=- Todd Covini



Do yourself a favor, ignore that thread and for that matter, this entire forum! There is no reason to be kept updated on all the nonsense that is being spewed. You have your RCR's, now lock yourself in a closet and finish this up before total chaos ensues!


Bruce Willis Original Die hard movie quote.


"wellcome to the party pal"

Be patient....I still have to read thru 16 pages of the "State of the Union" thread.

Sorry for the delay guys & gals, we should have it all finalized shortly.

Getting down to the short hairs now.


-=- Todd Covini



These "short hairs" should look like hippie hair by now!

Be patient....I still have to read thru 16 pages of the "State of the Union" thread.

Sorry for the delay guys & gals, we should have it all finalized shortly.

Getting down to the short hairs now.


-=- Todd Covini



These "short hairs" should look like hippie hair by now!


You should know better than to listen to Todd when he is using hair as a reference!


<----expects a nasty phone call for that shot! LOL!!!!



Full disclosure....here's the deal guys.

It's an either/or kind of thing. If I can get the final, final rules packages submitted,reviewed & approved tomorrow (before the 25 Hours of T-Hill), you'll get something Thursday nite/Friday morning.

If not, we'll lose the weekend due to the Longest Endurance Race in North America and it'll be Mon/Tue before they are released.

Either/Or....as Matt said....all my hair is gone at this point and you'll have them within days!


Hey....how about that AI/CMC Swag, huh?!?!

Just in time for Christmas..

Cool deal.

Work with your regional AI Series Directors if you have a regional AI/CMC season shirt design you want to make available.

All Fernandez needs is a .jpg picture to make it happen and add it to the National AI Portfolio.

(A little friendly regional shirt design competition?!?!?!.....Texas would spank SouthEast )


-=- Todd


Full disclosure....here's the deal guys.

It's an either/or kind of thing. If I can get the final, final rules packages submitted,reviewed & approved tomorrow (before the 25 Hours of T-Hill), you'll get something Thursday nite/Friday morning.

If not, we'll lose the weekend due to the Longest Endurance Race in North America and it'll be Mon/Tue before they are released.

Either/Or....as Matt said....all my hair is gone at this point and you'll have them within days!




-=- Todd


Todd, haven't you learned your lesson when committing to a release date......



Before you push the button,


Can we remove the word "Daimler" from the rule book? Its like salting an open wound every time I see it!



Before you push the button,


Can we remove the word "Daimler" from the rule book? Its like salting an open wound every time I see it!




That was done in Version 1....we're soooooo past that.

That was done in Version 1....we're soooooo past that.

Yeah, it now reads:

h) “OEM” for purposes of these rules is defined as Ford Motor Company, Motors Liquidation Corporation, or Fiat. OEM does not include small volume specialty manufacturers.


And here I thought it was OMC ( Oboma Motors Corp.)

Or, Obomamobile

That was done in Version 1....we're soooooo past that.

Yeah, it now reads:

h) “OEM” for purposes of these rules is defined as Ford Motor Company, Motors Liquidation Corporation, or Fiat. OEM does not include small volume specialty manufacturers.



Fiat? You must be referring to "Old Carco LLC"


Serious question here TAC. If YOU are the AI national director, the AI board has written the rules, and the "motorhome meeting" in Utah supposedly ironed out "fix AI....", why are we waiting on National for approval. Shouldn't it be "here are the 2010 AI rules, please post them on the web site as soon as possible."......?



Guess I tend to do things a little differently and just don't ask for permission....I just get shoo didley done.


BTW.....IT'S FRIDAY and 3:45pm Central time....the guys on the East Coast are looking for rules!

Serious question here TAC. If YOU are the AI national director, the AI board has written the rules, and the "motorhome meeting" in Utah supposedly ironed out "fix AI....", why are we waiting on National for approval. Shouldn't it be "here are the 2010 AI rules, please post them on the web site as soon as possible."......?



Guess I tend to do things a little differently and just don't ask for permission....I just get shoo didley done.


BTW.....IT'S FRIDAY and 3:45pm Central time....the guys on the East Coast are looking for rules!


once again, you show how little you know about the way things work even while you carry the attitude that you know it all. from what i know, all series rules that are changed must go thru National for final approval. CMC has to do it every year also. so keeping JWL in the loop is not just a courtesy (you know its his baby), its required.

so in this case, your way would result in you getting terminated.


Matt, stop telling everyone how you would save the world if you were in control, when in reality, you dont even know which way it spins.


Matt, stop telling everyone how you would save the world if you were in control, when in reality, you dont even know which way it spins.


Glenn, I know which way it spins....backwards and very slowly. why are you even posting here in the AI forum..? aren't you just a coordinator anyway....for CMC? If this were going on in the CMC forum, you would have stepped down from your position and Mitch would have sold all his stuff....again. :rolleyes:


biggest issue is todd needs to stop putting "completion dates" out on the table as we watch them float by. He obviously has no control of that so really shouldn't speak for it. It only sets us up for more disappoinment and puts his neck out on the line. He's turning out to be a pretty beat up crash test dummy....not that Todd is stupid, he's just getting beat up a lot.


We have been asked to remain professional about this....well, I would have fired someone by now at work....Guess I will take the flack for being vocal and saying what MOST of the others are thinking in the back ground.


Matt, stop telling everyone how you would save the world if you were in control, when in reality, you dont even know which way it spins.


Glenn, I know which way it spins....backwards and very slowly. why are you even posting here in the AI forum..? aren't you just a coordinator anyway....for CMC? If this were going on in the CMC forum, you would have stepped down from your position and Mitch would have sold all his stuff....again. :rolleyes:


biggest issue is todd needs to stop putting "completion dates" out on the table as we watch them float by. He obviously has no control of that so really shouldn't speak for it. It only sets us up for more disappoinment and puts his neck out on the line. He's turning out to be a pretty beat up crash test dummy....not that Todd is stupid, he's just getting beat up a lot.


We have been asked to remain professional about this....well, I would have fired someone by now at work....Guess I will take the flack for being vocal and saying what MOST of the others are thinking in the back ground.

you are wrong about me quitting. we have had this issue in the very recent past. 2008-2009 off season. not only did i not quit, i helped resolve the issue.


Todd's ability to be puctual is not a strong charater trait for sure. but get off his ass publicly. hes doing the best he can under the situation in thich he's in.



as for me being involved. i am one of your AI/CMC Texas Directors. check the CMC rulebook if your unclear of my title. i have delt w/ AI stuff since i became a director due to the lack of presence of the opointed AI Texas Director. get used to it, as i will be more involved in the futur.


OK you two....now that you've BOTH said what everyone thinks...let's be nice.


Rules are done.

NASA Headquarters is starting a 25 hour race within the next hour or so.

Once the race is over and they can focus on other things, I'll seek another final approval and move them into the posting process.


I have no idea when that will be but I do know what my preference would be.

(How's that for not setting another date, Matt & Tone!?! )


-=- Todd


Oh...and Glenn's spelling ability is not a strong character trait for sure.

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