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NASA and Driving Concepts can have you racing this year!

Tim Comeau

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NASA and the Driving Concepts Racing School are hands down the best, fastest way for you to earn a real racing license!

If you get into the racing school scheduled for Feb 12-13 and get granted a license, you can race the full NASA season with the 944-spec class!

* You still have to prove yourself safe and sane.

* You still have to prove that you can control your car and watch your mirrors.

* You still have to prove you know the rules, flags, and other race procedures.


Believe me, this isn't a Gimmee, but if you feel you're ready, you can be racing with us this year! We all want you in "THE SHOW" for 2005!

We can have fields of 20 cars in SoCal this year.


Go to http://www.drivingconcepts.com

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