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BeaveRun August 30-Sept 1 Time Trial

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NASA OH/IN will run its first official Time Trial at BeaveRun August 30 - Sept 1. Trophies will be given out based on your three day results (motocross style: A 2nd, 2nd, 1st would beat a 1st, 1st, 3rd. The third day result breaks any ties). The driver in each TT class with the least points (1st = 1 point) wins the class! You do not need to compete all three days, but the more days you compete, the better chance you have of winning! HPDE 4 qualified drivers are invited to enter. You must either have your own AMB transponder, or rent one well in advance of the event. Registration is now open at http://www.nasaproracing.com . There are several TT cars already signed up!



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