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Disappointing SpeedCastTv coverage of TT Group G?

Rob S.

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It's disappointing that during three sessions Saturday and two Sunday the only coverage of Time Trials Group G is the rain session Saturday afternoon. TT is obviously not as exciting to watch as the race groups but we are part of the Championships. Hopefully next yr our Group gets proper coverage.

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Hate to say it, but I agree with Rob.


Greg brought up the tv coverage as a reason to go out. Then our sessions aren't covered? Or for the short clips that are covered - you can barely hear the announcers having personal conversations in the background?


We paid our entry fees and ran NASA stickers just like everyone else....

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F1 qualifying is exciting, and our Time Trials sessions aren't that overly different - sure we're not in mega-fast open wheel cars, and there isn't that knockout component, but name something else that is signifigantly different. Cover the right sessions, give the annoucers a good feed from T&S to be able to talk about who's running what time, who is placed where in class, and changes in those two... it could be pretty exciting I bet

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F1 qualifying is exciting, and our Time Trials sessions aren't that overly different - sure we're not in mega-fast open wheel cars, and there isn't that knockout component, but name something else that is signifigantly different.


F1 knockout qualifying is actually more fun (for me) to watch than some of the races (especially this year with Vettel just whooping ass). You can tell when a driver is on a flyer and it's insane to see how fast they really can go.

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I also was quite disappointed with the coverage. Between 5 sessions I was hoping to see my car on video at least once... but no. Apparently NASA only cares about covering the race groups. It must be because their entrance fees were higher. Oh wait...

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Group I was even worse. We had 1 session Sunday on it - and all they could do was talk about the Lister with the 750hp Nascar engine. Then a little about 2 other cars. Nothing about the other 30 cars out there. I could barely make out a few on the pace lap in the distance; that's it.


Is what it is I guess.

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Please accept my apologies for the TT coverage and we are putting new procedures in place for next year so that we can do a better job. We simply did not have a bunch of information in the booth so we were limited to talking about what we saw on screen and we flat out missed talking about many of you out there which ain't cool at all. Time trial is a vital program for NASA and deserves much better coverage than what we were able to provide. I will talk to our producer and make sure that we are more tuned in to TT for next year at the Nats and also ensure that we have technology in place that will give us the scoring data we need.


Thanks to all of you who came out and thanks also for your support of NASA all year long.




John Lindsey

Chief Divisional Director


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F1 qualifying is exciting, and our Time Trials sessions aren't that overly different - sure we're not in mega-fast open wheel cars, and there isn't that knockout component, but name something else that is signifigantly different.


F1 knockout qualifying is actually more fun (for me) to watch than some of the races (especially this year with Vettel just whooping ass). You can tell when a driver is on a flyer and it's insane to see how fast they really can go.


Maybe there needs to be a format change to make TT different for TV coverage. More like Survivor/American Idol/etc where the viewing audience has a vested interest in who stays and who goes. Or with Indy qualifying, you have the bubble and get to see who makes the 33 field and who goes home. So for TT, something like who will make it into the last session which is only for the "Fast Five (or three)" shootout from each class. I suggested this in 2009 and it went over like the proverbial punch bowl turd because it would be unfair to the non top X cars.


Right now with the current setup if you have a slow session that is broadcast there isn't too much to talk about as nobody is in danger of loosing their spots. No excitement to watch for the general audience that hasn't been there all week to see how the times have filtered out, who has been making changes, etc.


As John mentioned above, I'll start working on having the past sessions available in an easy format so the announcers can have history of how that driver has done for the past sessions and if there has been a constant back and forth battle between certain drivers. If drivers could submit what they changed before that next session and how they thought it might affect the outcome would be interesting. Then the general viewing audience would start the understand the concept of the TT program and that it's not just going out and driving around trying to go fast.

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As much as I'd like the announcers to be part of it, even if there were just good quality video sessions out there to show sponsors it would be appreciated. For Group G, it was just one static shot - no changes, different angles, etc. And over way too quick.


For what it's worth, I pitted early during two sessions and I could hear the track PA system while sitting in impound - those guys seem like they did a great job Sun am. Not sure if the guys doing announcements at track were the same as the online video coverage or not?


- Mark

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I went out Sunday morning with a broken engine and burnt up a set of tires slipping and sliding to put on a show for the crowd and for what I thought would be for the broadcast. It wasn't until I'd burned the car to the ground and nearly wrecked it several times that a buddy told me the TV coverage didn't start until after our session.

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I went out Sunday morning with a broken engine and burnt up a set of tires slipping and sliding to put on a show for the crowd and for what I thought would be for the broadcast. It wasn't until I'd burned the car to the ground and nearly wrecked it several times that a buddy told me the TV coverage didn't start until after our session.


At least the crowd overlooking Madness got a show!!! They must have thought it was a drifting demo .

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The rain coverage I got on Saturday was pretty good. SLOOOW, but good coverage. It helps that there were only two of us on the entire track, LOL.


No video of my 100mph 300+' slide out of T1 on Sunday though. I did it on purpose just for the cameras.

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I know.. the ONLY session my husband didn't go out in G and it was the one being broadcast... go figure (the rainy wet one Saturday afternoon) and here I had friends and family watching too (Told them to watch.. and they kept saying nothing was on in the morning and they never saw him out there.... oh well... so it goes

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It was bad in 09 (when I PAID for access) and it was utterly dismal in 2011. Some of us actually have sponsors, who actually looked for their cars on speedcast.. only to see zilch.

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  • National Staff



I will echo Johns comments by saying I personally apologize for your disappointment in the TT coverage. TT is a challenging beast to cover, but we have some cool ideas for next year that should make most of you quite pleased. Again, my sincerest apologies to the folks who competed in the TT sessions.

On the bright side, I hope you had a great time competing at the event and I thank you very much for choosing to participate in the 2011 NASA Championships.

We look forward to welcoming you back in 2012.


Best regards,

Jeremy Croiset

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