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Nationals on low budget???

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So if my broke ass can actually make it whats the minimum i should be looking to spend? reg fees, travel(tow bar), gate fees, camping fees, how many sessions are available(fuel/tires/brakes in mind), etc.


Unfortunately the biggest expense is travel. It will most likely be over $1000 just for gas for towing to/from Arizona.


$599 for registration.

Not sure about camping fees.

There were no gate fees 2008-20010, not sure about 2012.


For consumables you could plan on 3-4 practice sessions and 2 qualifying races plus the longer main race.


It always rains so you will need a set of rains.


The good news is that Honda pays $500 to each starter and more if you podium. And if you win the regional championship for 2012 you get another $500 at the end of the year only if you participate at the championships. BTW you are in a good position to win the regional championship.


doug i know youve gone to nationals for TT but i think we both know moving to race group has definitely stepped up the abuse on the cars. slim to none chance ill be able to afford nationals but a reality check on a cost isnt a bad thing. hopefully my puppy heals up and the shitty<<<(auto correct makes me laugh every time) luck runs out allowing me to save and plan for it.


Fyi, camping was free last year, I assume it will be this year also.

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