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FS (WA): Ultimate "New" Aquamist HFS-4 setup

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I am changing my setup, so my installed, but never ran Aquamist HFS-4 setup has to go.


What i am offering truly is a plug and play setup, it comes with pretty much everything you need.


This is a pic of what I bought at http://www.howertonengineering.com




It will come with all of that, PLUS it will come with an STi intake manifold which has been prepared for 4 nozzle direct injection.


So, you will get:


- An amazing Howerton 2 gallon baffled and cooled tank (http://howertonengineering.com/products/howerton-engineering-tanks/)


- Aquamist's latest HFS-4 setup (http://howertonengineering.com/products/aquamist-systems/aquamist-hfs-4/)


- 4 x 0.8mm nozzles (the pic says 1.0mm, but they are 0.8mm)


- 4 x right angled jet adapters, to make sure the hosetails don't snap off (worth their weight in gold !!)


- 4 x one way check valves, to make sure the manifold vacuum does not suck the fluid in, which would create a moment of leanness when the jets start spraying


- Nomex hose cover, to help prevent hoses from melting during an engine bay fire.


- All the adapters and hose that you need and more (you can never have enough hoes... )


- A 2006 STi intake manifold with helicoiled threads and fully prepared for 4 port Water Injection.



For all of this I am looking to get $1250 paypalled and shipped


It is currently still on the car, but I will take it out this week and add more pics.


Installed Pics:









Intake Manifold





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