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Seat mounting

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Hi guys,

Anyone able to post some pictures of how is your seat mounted?

Thanks for sharing some light.


I didn't have much luck with Planted brackets in my 370Z. It put the seat about an inch higher than stock and didn't sit very level. I know it's a different application but Wedge Engineering is supposed to fit much better.


I'm just breaking down and having a custom mount built for my SpecZ car as well.


Who is making you the Custom bracket?



I didn't have much luck with Planted brackets in my 370Z. It put the seat about an inch higher than stock and didn't sit very level. I know it's a different application but Wedge Engineering is supposed to fit much better.


I'm just breaking down and having a custom mount built for my SpecZ car as well.


Ralph Provitz @ V2 Motorsports He did a great job with my 370Z and a local club member's 350Z. The seats are very solidly mounted and lower than stock. The extra head room was incredibly nice last season. Here is a picture from FB


My plan is to use him for all of my safety equipment as soon as the last of my parts come in and I get it back together.

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