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Bolt In Cage, 5 point Harness, with Factory Stock seat

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Hey everyone,


This season was my very first time doing hpde and I enjoyed it alot and want to come back next season. Its tough stay in my seat with the factory belt. So I read the rulebook but I still have some questions that I probably missed in the rulebook.


I have 91 240sx and am planing to put an autopower bolt in 4 point cage with 5 point harness on both sides of course but i wanted to know if i can use my factory seat with that? I have no problems cutting a hole in my seat for the submarine belt.


If thats not legal am I able to put a FIA fixed back seat like a Corbeau but with sliders? (being that im still in hpde 1, My instructor will drive the car for a few laps so i would like it to be adjustable for him since incase my instructor needs to sit closer/further away)


Since the factory seat and 3 point belt is legal, your stock seat will always be legal in HPDE 1. You have to have a roll bar if you wish to use a 5-7 point harness, so your plan is good. Once you can afford the seats (choose wisely as not all are comfortable) you will realize the greatest performance upgrade with the seat included in the mix. You will be securely connected to the car and better able to sense traction with the comp seat.


Good luck with your driving in 2017 !


The roll bar, seat and belts are a system. Knock out any of the 3, and you're asking for trouble. Either do them all, or stay with the OEM setup, it's safer than two of the 3... (think 3 leg stool)


How are you using a 5pt with factory seat with no submarine provision? Cutting the seat =/ the seat being meant to have a sub belt. Also, instructors don't drive students cars.


As an instructor - If that was the state of the car, I won't ride with you. In the AM inspection you would be advised to use the stock 3pt belts.


Better option, Corbeau, 4pt bar, 6pt harness. Done. You'll be held in the seat better, its safer, and works as a system (as EV has stated).


Every instructor I had drove my car for the first 2-3 laps on the first session.


But anyways yea, im going to try to find some seats over the winter, before I purchase the bolt on cage and harness's


As others have said, it is strongly suggested that you should put seats in at the same time.


Also a 4 point is a rollbar not a cage, therefore only legal for HPDE not racing. If your goal is to go racing later with the same car, just keep that in mind.


Yea so far i like the sparco evo 2 seats. I got to drive my buddy's car with them for a little bit and they felt pretty comfortable.


And you're right getfast, I went to a shop asking about the 4 pt rollbar and they were telling me the same thing so I decided to get the bolt on for now.

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