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The Rewards weight value is on your windshield. And would be for your main class.

Yes it would require more work from your regional director, but it is an effective way of creating parity amongst cars and drivers.


Max 245 tire and 10" wheel is for ST4 only.


The bottom line is that the fastest drivers will always be at the front. Rewards weight does help close the gap.

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The Rewards weight value is on your windshield. And would be for your main class.

Yes it would require more work from your regional director, but it is an effective way of creating parity amongst cars and drivers.


Max 245 tire and 10" wheel is for ST4 only.


The bottom line is that the fastest drivers will always be at the front. Rewards weight does help close the gap.



So every time someone wins a regional race in a field of two, they get rewards weight? See the problem here?

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There are issues with every thing if you have more than one person racing. Someone is always unhappy.


Just throwing ideas out there since it does work in some series.

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Both suggestions are poor.


There are TT4 cars that are on the heavy side that are totally able to run wider tires than 245mm. And frankly some of the heavier cars need it.


Also adding weight to the winners sucks if everyone doesn't consistently make it to all the races. You get people that come in halfway through the season but have no weight. Or how would this even translate to nationals. Leave everyone on an equal playing field.

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+1, neither suggestion works in reality. Not only is reward weight more work for the series director, it's more work for anyone who double-dips in TT, and it doesn't actually solve any problems, since you will still get ringer cars that come in and clean house late in the season.


Limiting to 245s is also a really bad idea, the 3000+lb cars need the big tires to compete. If your 3000lb car can't fit 275s, flare your car or race a different one.

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+1, neither suggestion works in reality. Not only is reward weight more work for the series director, it's more work for anyone who double-dips in TT, and it doesn't actually solve any problems, since you will still get ringer cars that come in and clean house late in the season.


Limiting to 245s is also a really bad idea, the 3000+lb cars need the big tires to compete. If your 3000lb car can't fit 275s, flare your car or race a different one.


Agreed. Not sure what adding rewards weight would accomplish aside from making racing in ST4 more of a hassle for all involved and detract people from entering the series when we're just getting some momentum. Please delete this idea.


As for the tires, my vote would be to keep the rules consistent for another season while we get more data. Seems kind of arbitrary to declare that a certain weight can or can't run a certain size tire. Keeping options open with modifiers gives us the most flexibility in choice and keeps it fair.

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