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Anyone else still waiting to get valid working HAWK Codes?

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I know I'm not the only one. I've tried to contact Hawk directly with zero response. I have been CCed on emails that Molly from NASA has tried to send to Annie at Hawk. (and have continued to see no response)



Perhaps others with HAWK code problems will chime in but this wait is out of hand!


This is no longer a matter of days or weeks but many months with invalid codes that have been issued (or codes never properly uploaded to the Hawk system) <-- not sure which but I'll bet a lot of other people are wanting their codes as well!



I thought I'd post here to see if others wanted to chime in.


Same problem here - Molly is trying to get help, but I have not seen a response as yet from Hawk/Annie. Hopefully they get this resolved soon and Hawk will stay a great contingency sponsor. This has been a really nice benefit, so hopefully this isn't indicative of anything...


My codes didn't work either in Nov, but after numerous attempts, it finally took and order was accepted. Hawk P confirmed they were having some glitch issues.


Same here.


Last December (yes, December 2016) I emailed Hawk to get them to combine three certificates into one so I could place one order.


They were responsive and sent me an email in late December showing a $450 certificate value. What I did not notice was that the certificate said it expired 2/28/16. Yep, in December 2016 they issued me a certificate that expired in February 2016.


I've been emailing them for a year trying to get it straightened out.


No response.


Molly was kind enough to copy me on an email she sent trying to get things freed up.


No response.


Been waiting for the codes for months. Kind of disappointing.


So for the heck of it I tried my 4 codes again just now since I hadn't tried since Dec 28th. NO GO.. they still don't work


Here is the message I get (same as it has been since I 1st tried it last year for each of the 4 codes that are still not functioning today).


Sorry, promotion code 17NASAxxxxxxx was not applied because it was either entered incorrectly, is not valid, or has expired.


^ obviously I substituted part of my code with x's but you get the point.




Meanwhile, the one code I haven't used YET (it is valid until March 31st, 2018) works fine (as it has since the 1st time I tried to enter it).


The normal correct message (for those wondering) goes like this:


The following promotions have been applied to your order:

USD$ 60.00 off for code 17NASAxxxxxx.


Here is the root of my troubles. Note the dates:


On Dec 29, 2016, at 12:42 PM, Annie Last <> wrote:


Hi, Tal —


I’m happy to help get this taken care of for you! I’ve been able to verify that your codes are active and valid, so have created a single replacement that combines them; it is active today, and valid through the end of February:


Promo Code: 16TXXXXXL450

Value: $450 off all products on one order placed through HawkPerformance.com

Valid Dates: Today through February 28, 2016

This code can NOT be used in conjunction with any other Hawk discounts or promotions.


Please do let me know if there’s anything else I can help with, or any other information I can send your way.


Thanks for being a fan of Hawk Performance - and Happy New Year!




Would think that would have been a simple fix, but no.


^ TWI,


I had certificates combined back in December of 2016 as well. I saw the expiration date right away and had no trouble putting my order in last year in February (I think it was right around Feb 11th I placed my order but I don't remember for sure). Its unfortunate you didn't see the expiration date but I've had HAWK codes expire on me in the past as well. I took it as my own fault for forgetting to order and moved on.


For 2017 there unfortunately isn't even a response now to codes that aren't working

^ TWI,


I had certificates combined back in December of 2016 as well. I saw the expiration date right away and had no trouble putting my order in last year in February (I think it was right around Feb 11th I placed my order but I don't remember for sure). Its unfortunate you didn't see the expiration date but I've had HAWK codes expire on me in the past as well. I took it as my own fault for forgetting to order and moved on.


For 2017 there unfortunately isn't even a response now to codes that aren't working


Oh, I tired to use mine on December 29th, 2016. And again on December 31st, 2016. Even though she said my certificates were good until next February, I wanted to go ahead and get the order in calendar year 2016. Again - playing by the rules.


No dice. I got the same 'you have either entered your code incorrectly, is not valid, or is expried' error. I have a screen shot of it on 12/31/16.


I emailed Hawk on 12/31/16. Got a response on 1/3 stating they would look into it. Never heard from them again. Followed up on 1/31/17, 3/4/17, Molly followed up on 12/22/17. Still a whole bunch of nothing.

  • National Staff

NASA IT is working on upgrading the way that all of this gets handled, but it will take some time. In the meantime, keep e-mailing Molly and add Jeremy to the e-mails.


It sounds like this is not a universal problem, although it seems to happen too frequently. The codes that Molly sent me in the Fall worked fine in December when I used them.

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