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Dear GTS Competitor-

In the last few months, we have developed a new simplified process to upload and view GTS compliance forms. The new method does not require a login and can be done on your mobile device or a computer. You do not have to combine pdf files any longer. Take a picture or upload a scanned pdf. The new process involves going to the “GTS Car Compliance Form” located here: https://form.jotform.com/drivenasa/nasa-gts-car-compliance-form and submitting all of your information along with supporting documentation. Upon compliance form submission you will receive an email with the summary of your submission. In that email, you will also see a unique link to edit your submission. Save that email for any future edits that you might do. If you are competing in two different GTS classes, you will need to submit a second submission with supporting documentation.

Once we receive your submission, it takes up to 10 minutes to appear in the database which is located here: https://airtable.com/shr7eQNzz20JFuoF4. You can sort by Region and Driver Name and also perform a search. Again, no login required to complete any of these actions.

All of the above links are now published on the GTS website at https://gts.nasaseries.com/compliance-packets/.

The old submission portal will be deleted on July 31st, 2018. Please re-upload all of your compliance forms to the new portal. The old forms are available to download at https://gts.nasaseries.com/wp-content/GTS-Forms/.

If you have any questions, concerns or issues in regards to the new process, please contact us at [email protected].


National Auto Sport Association

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