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How to build an unpopular car?


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Hello everybody, I'm new to professional or licensed rally. To be honest I've just taken car and trucks with light engine modifications and raced them down dirt roads in my small town. So this year I found an Audi 90 Quattro with the b4 chassis (i know the 80Q with the B3 is better) and I'm wanting to participate in as many rallies as I can as soon as possible. So I have three questions. 

1. What rally organizations would be best for me? I live in southern indiana and I'm a one man crew.

2. Can anyone recommend someone who would show me how to add rally suspension, rollcage, strut tower reinforcements, etc. For pay? I have no problem paying for the work but I want to be active in this project.

3. How do I know what aftermarket parts will work on my B4 chassis since nobody makes b4 specific rally parts?

Thank you for your time and responses. 

(Sorry for typos if any)



Edited by RareProductionsAR
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I haven't run any rallies, but I'll try to help. 

1. To find NASA rallies in the U.S., visit this site. I don't think they have any in in Indiana, but there are some in the Northeast and Southeast. 


2. When it comes to adding roll cages, unless you're an experienced fabricator, it's better to have a professional shop build the cage. The good news is that you're close to Indianapolis, and there should be no shortage of resources in that town. 

3. Seek expert advice on this. I'm sure that car was used for rally back in the day. You'll probably have to do multiple internet searches backed up with phone calls. You might try calling The FIRM in the Jacksonville area. They might be able to point you to some Audi experts. The directors at NASA Rally Sport also might have some connections. 


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