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New pictures and video from this past weekend are up

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Folks -


I grabbed some random pictures while I was walking around the paddock last weekend and I've put them up in the Photo & Videos section of the website. If you have any additional pictures, feel free to shoot them over to me and I'll get them added to the site.


I also made a capture from the camera in my car of the first two laps of the inverted race on Saturday. I've posted that at




Its 23mb, and runs about 4 min 23 sec.


If you have any videos you want posted, let me know..


- Nick


Great video Nick! Good catch - getting one of Al's impersonations of a 'Garden Weasel'. Also, what's that you do at about the 3:45 mark? Throw the switch on the nitrous?




Great video...And I was up front almost the whole time.!! Wish you had the part when you passed me in turn 10 on there as well.


  • Members

Great video Nick! This will surely immortalize me


Thanks guys


Per - http://www.camaromustangchallenge.com/th-04-06-03-turn10-pass.WMV it was a couple of laps later so I chopped it into a second capture.


Brian - that's my fan switch. I was just thinking to myself at that point that it could be a long drawn out race where I wasn't able to get any clean air so having the fans on would help keep things cool.


- Nick


(PS - Nitrous is the middle switch. Boost is on the right )


OK, Nick...that's some mighty fine video...but I want to see the whole race...put it up...and where was Tony during all this?


I started dead ass last..because I came in second in the first race.

Had so much traffic,( which was awesome) that all I did was watch Nick the entire race,came in behind him.Man that inverted race was fun!!



let's see, what type of car were you driving this weekend, Tony?....ah, yes a Mustang (which are only good for ranches in Nevada)...and what was Nick driving?...oh...a Camaro.....just thought I'd mention it.


But you forgot to mention that I passed 16 cars,and that Mustangs came in 1st and 2nd, in the first race.I think we are all pretty darn even now.

Mustangs were out numbered 15 to 5,so the fact that the Mustangs placed at least top four in every race is very respectful.

How about a two car 2 lap race you and me..and you start in front of me..



OK, you've got a race....as CMC Director can you set up a three or five lap "grudge race" at the June Sears Point race weekend?....I'll bring a Camaro (heck, not even the fast one as you'll be driving a Mustang, right?) and show you the way around the track...until I dwindle in the distance as you fall farther and farther behind..and that's just by the second turn....how about the loser (you) buys the entire CMC crowd margaritas Saturday night?...I realize that might stretch your racing budget as you keep having to replace Ford engines, but how about it?....rules: standing start, three(we could do more but will Mustang engines last that long?) laps, first one across the finish line wins...no other rules....make it so.



I still think the switch you hit was the Nitrous switch..!.The way you pulled up on me..Thanks anyway for putting me in the spotlight.. And if you drove #81 now...you would not believe it is the same car as you drove last year in the SCCA enduro..

And trust me...I am soooo ready to go racing at Willow Springs...I just love that place...Team ESSE is ready to go...


#81CMC /#81 AI (semi-retired)


whoops..should have been AI # 88 (selected because number 88 looks the same even if you are upside down)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hold it Per! You know that Ed and I are still mighty sensitive about any references to "upside down!"




Sorry about that Perry, did not even think about that...

See you at Willow Springs


Don't take me seriously Per. I was just kidding....forgot my



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