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Toyo contingency

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Is there one for CMC or not? I've heard rumors...If so, how does it work?


For that matter - are there ANY contingencies?


I'm waiting to see the 'PRO' of NASA Pro Racing...


The the answer is YES.

Toyo paid out $1,500 last year to the top 8 finishers in points.Top three got the most, then the next five split it up.You MUST keep your TOYO receipts and turn them into me at the end of the year.

I also tried to get Hawk back into giving us some money,but then the prices of the pads would be retail at $189 instead of me giving them to you guys for $130 which is cost.

I figured that you now have a built in way of getting money back, but now its up front! This way everyone wins.

I'm working on a couple of things for next year.



Your efforts are appreciated, Tony. It's this level of involvement and responsiveness that sets CMC apart.






Thanks for the comments,and your right CMC is a very close group of people with FUN being the number one subject.

The support is awesome, and that's why I put a lot of time into it.

I can see 25-30 cars at every event by years end, only because no one else has the draw of "the bang for the buck".

When people join CMC, I can truly say they all have one thing to tell me at the days end..Awesome Group.. wish I would have joined sooner!


Tony Guaglione


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