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misc.CMC comments


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Hi everyone..

First like to say how pleased I am to finally get a win..Team Esse' been working hard all year on it..

Hey..I know..It was reverse grid...and no place to pass..

But ..I am such a bad qualifier...always been , always will ...put me in the race and I love it..I am usually faster in race than qualifyng..

And also ..for the first time I had a real crew chief on board..

Dean Casey came on with us for this race and hopefully for the rest of the year.. He is a volunteer crew chief..He has been with ex-ASC and Pro-Miata driver Robert Davis for a few years and when Robert abruptly quit racing a month ago we picked him up..He will be with us for the rest of the year and hopefully more.. He helped me getting lots of things sorted out..and confronted me on my bad driving on some parts of the Fernley track.. I would not have taken this win without him..

( then he got drunk on Tequila with Jerry Kunzman Saturday nite..Glad I did not drive Sunday race,Partying with someone up against Arnold is maybe more of a priority..lol)

well..next issue..

Not sure how many of you guys get the messages from AI on Yahoo message center..

first comment..AI drivers exp

ect to spend $5k on there engines..minimum..and have a spare and make it to at least two weekends..

Why do you think I parked the 'bird and will bring back to CMC specs for 2004.

Ok..then the other AI news..They will run as support race to Grand-Am cup at VIR later this year..arguably one of the best tracks in the US, possibly a 40+ car field with at least 10 west coast entries.. However..East coast AI racing is so strong,just like inEastCoast SCCA AS racing compared to the West Coast..However.. AI/AIXdriver Ross Murray won the National AS Championship..


mixed emotions once again..I been offered a competitive Grand-Am cup ride in ST1 for VIR for less than my travel expenses would be to bring my car out there..

But if I decide to stay in CMC..East/ West Runoffs would be great to see..And my ex-AI car will be CMC car next year..

Ok..just my humble opinions..

Any input will be much appreciated...


Driver CMC#81

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I'm confused... are you saying you're trying to decide between:

a) towing your camaro out to VIR and running with all the AI guys (not competitive maybe, but legal, and way fun

b)flying out to VIR and driving in ST1 in a competitive ride



If that's the case, I'd opt for plan b. A lot less time commitment, and a competitive race. From what I've read on other boards, it doesn't sound like they'll have issues getting enough cars to show to have a big AI field.

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