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I’m looking for info on sponsors..

What amounts are considered normal for the main and supporting sponsors (money, services)? What do you guys find is the best amount to ask for and get a good response with?


Any sponsor money is good, and I’ll take any I can get, but at what level do I start…


Anything else I should know about procuring sponsorships?

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I've always had great luck finding sponsorship for my racing from VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS....they send me a new card every year or three and I can just charge all my racing expenses, even those out call massage therapists at the motel, on it....seriously, you're not likely to find much in the way of money for sponsorship as CMC is just a for-fun series and cannot offer a sponsor exposure via TV or print media...after all sponsorship is really advertising and you need to deliver...but, you should be able to talk your local paint and body shop, tire and wheel shop and maybe even the dealership to kick in some free labor and parts at a discount...believe me this adds up at the end of the year...most businesses at the local level have racing enthusiasts among the staff...hopefully they'll also include the owners and managers...good luck and have fun in CMC

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been working on sponsorships for several months now. My pitch is simple - I don't want any $$$. Goods/services are what I'm interested in - it helps reduce my overall race budget.


So far, I have an oil sponsor ( changes the oil in the race car after each event ), and a fab sponsor. I'm looking for a tire sponsor, but haven't had a chance to work on that one more.


Asking for goods/services are significantly easier then asking for $$$. Parts, labor, etc are much easier to "give away", if you will, then handing you say, $1000.


The 2 sponsors I've obtained came through relationships cultivated over the past few years.


Richard has a valid point - we don't get much national exposure, but you might do well with some local shops.


Good luck Nick.

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