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Happy New Year!

Lady in Nomex

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Here's to a great New Year and a fantastic race season for everyone!


And Brad...let's not let what happened to our cars at CalSpeedway last year happen again!


Greg Robinson

CMC Mustang #12

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Esse' #81 here. Happy New Year to all you CMCers. Does this mean you're still with us Brad? And in what car? Well, Paso Robles is still standing, though a little worse for wear and tear (and shake, rattle and roll). The library is finally open, so I once again have access to a computer. The parking lot is all tore up since the earthquake re-opened the sulphur hot springs and they're flowing away at 1,000 gallons per minute (Stanky, phew!). Most of downtown is red-tagged and fenced off because of all the unreinforced brick buildings having major damage. The aftershocks keep you on your toes, that's for sure. I was in the '71 Sylmar, and the '89 Loma Prieta in Santa Cruz, so I'm beggining to think these things are following me. On the positive side , I Am getting used to them, although they're not quite as fun as they used to be. The Race-Car was about 2 feet up in the air but survived. It's funny though, cause when I put it up, I put every jack stand I had under it (about 9-10) and my dad and his friends were making fun of me for doing so. I explained that it's about time we had a large earthquake, since both up north and down south had let go, but nothing had really happened here recently, and there was no way I was going to be caught under the car without overkill as far as the supports. This was about 3 weeks ago. So people, pay attention to that little voice in your head! I'll see everyone at Cal Speedway in March, if not at Sears in February. Esse' #81...

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Esse, I think we'd all be safer if we shipped you to the moon! J/k buddy, glad you and the CMC car are ok. I was also in the '71 quake living in the San Fernando Valley at that time so I know what you are going through. Take care and let us know if you need anything!

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Yeah Steve, I'm still with us. I haven't sold the car yet, so I'll still be in the 36. Complete with a new set of Koni's on the rear.


It's just such a shame I have to keep running it!

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Nice to hear that all is OK with you in Paso Robles!

I was in the Sylmar one also,and all the others, and they are never any fun.

Happy New Year to all..now lets get serious and start getting our cars ready for 2004!


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