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Championship Points - (drops?)


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So, on the points page is the phrase "including drops".


I know someone told me, but I don't see it anywhere:


How many races count towards the season end points?


I think I remember 16, but wanna be sure...

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The number of drops is dependent on the total number of races run during the year. The completion of each increment of 5 races enables another drop. Assuming we stay on the 3 race a weekend pace, we will have a total of 24 races on the season and 20 of them will count towards championship points. At this snapshot in time we have run 18 races and the top 15 of them count towards the championship points standings. A fourth drop will be enabled in the next race weekend.




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Mike is in charge of the points and drops and has been doing an excellent track side job,thanks Mike!

As stated in the rules the total amount of races will have a 20% drop,and with a total of 24 races this year, that would be 4.8 races rounded to 5 total races,assuming we have three races each weekend which I will do my best to maintain.

When we hit 20 races at this next event we will have another drop..our 4th, then when we hit our 24th race ( Last race of the year) there will be one last drop..our 5th.

Make sense..hope so.


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