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Torque Arm Safety Loop?

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Please forgive my ignorance. I am converting my AI car to a CMC car and I am working my way from front-to-back on the car. I have made it to section 6.6 of the 2005 CMC Rules which states in part:


Additionally GM cars must use a suitable torque arm safety loop to contain the front/transmission end of the torque arm in the event of torque arm and/or torque arm mount failure.


What exactly is a torque arm safety loop and where can I get one? I have never heard of one of these.



The loop in this pic holds the driveshaft and torque arm. All the other parts are not needed to install.



If it's legal (should be), I have one for sale.




Crap! I already bought a DS safety loop... Are you selling the whole assembly or just the loop? I need to have a look under my car and see whats up...


I didn't get the email. I think my ISP filters out legitimate emails as spam sometimes.. try ginny_nick at swbell dot net


Keith, I only have the v-braces as well. No sub-frames.


Nick, assuming that you don't strike a deal with "Lady in Nomex", I am likely interested in this loop...


Use the Lakewood one that Summit sells for $49,as your T/Arm will not drop to the ground if you install this safety loop.

Part # LAK-18022

The whole idea is that if your T/Arm breaks and drops,you want something to catch it before it hits the ground..otherwise you will have the fastest stopping car in the world



So just to clarify - the TQ arm loop is the same thing as the driveshaft loop (making sure it's mounted under the TA), correct?


The way it's worded makes it sound like this is in addition to a d/s loop.


BTW Tony, I like the Lakwood part - bolts in and out. Alot easier than the one-piece guys that you have to take the D/S off to install...



You are 100% correct.

When the rules were written,they just wanted to make sure you had something to supprt the torque arm from ejecting into the ground if the mount came loose or broke off..which has happened a few times.

Us Mustang guys don't have to worry about that problem.


Use the Lakewood one that Summit sells for $49,as your T/Arm will not drop to the ground if you install this safety loop.

Part # LAK-18022

The whole idea is that if your T/Arm breaks and drops,you want something to catch it before it hits the ground..otherwise you will have the fastest stopping car in the world



That is the one that is sitting on my workbench at the moment. In my previous post, I said I was going to have a look under my because I was wondering if this wouldn't block the TA anyway.


Yes, I read the rule to mean that I needed a DS loop and a TA loop. I guess I will be OK with what I already bought. Thanks.

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