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Forum reorg

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Its time we changed these forums and not split things along geographic lines. We're all CMC racers!


I created a couple of new forums, but left the old ones for the time being. If you guys like the new arrangement, I'll move the old posts from the original region specific forums to their proper destination and then remove those old sections.




This is good Al! This way we call all see conversations that pertain to all of us like rules.


Yes, perfect lets do it, no reason to have us all split up, and may I suggest any other region that is communicating in other ways besides here to let those go and start using this official CMC website.

We should all know what is going on and where.



Tony Guaglione

CMC National Director


I think the reorg is a great idea. Thanks for the work.


What would also be helpful is to add track records, points, schedules, event reports, etc from ALL the regions so that anyone coming to this site can immediately tell it's a national series.

  • Members

Excellent guys and gals, thanks.


Adam, I'm working as we speak on a new set of web pages. Everything will look and feel the same, but each section (records, race results, etc) will have a tab for each region. That should be up and running in a couple of weeks.


Why is the SW Forum locked?


I'm logged in properly ... I posted here ...


Mitch - it looks like Al is shutting down the other sections to move all those threads to the new locations. It makes good sense.


Al - great idea. I look forward to seeing the final layout.


I've looked at the "almost" final draft,and it looks really great and simple to use too.

You guys will really like how this will work.



SOMEBODY will complain - might as well be me I'm in a mood, so take it for whatever it's worth.


So, we have forums for multiple regions (which is good). It just seems to reason that the west coast forum will be the busiest, since uh, that's where the most people are.


So then we remove 'all' the regions, and make one big PC 'happy place', where no CMCers from Alaska will feel left out.


If things keep growing the way they are in CMC, we'll be back to the region forums on no time. So why not leave it that way? Believe it or not, I read every forum post, it's not like I wasn't able to check out what Adam and company were doing out there in Texas.


I think we need 1) General, 2)Rules, 3) EACH Region, 4) For Sale - but nobody asked me. In fact, I don't remember anyone asking anyone else, only some complaints about 'national' representation. But again, the west coast forum will be the busiest, since uh, that's where the most people are.


Brad,..take a pill.

When you see how Al is designing this thing you will have to re-post your post saying...gee that is really cool.

Get back to work on you Camaro ( even though it does not stand a chance beating my Mustang), and leave the whole thing in Al's hands.

It must be raining down there and you are just taking a lunch break from the race car...

Hee Hee Hee...



I guess the biggest problem is the old forum disappeared with no warning.


The link in my favorites just stopped working, kind of a pain.


Hey I didn't want Brad to feel all alone working on his car, and complaining.


Maybe he'll share his pills.


ps-It's too cold and wet down here to work on racecars. Hope it's nice in March.



Mark your calendars!!!

CMC went "Big Time" in January of 2005!

This is awesome...time to start thinking nationally, boys & girls!

The new format has been in place less than 48 hours and already someone is asking about events in Nashville!!!


Great job guys...thanks for making it happen!!!


Todd Covini

NASA Texas

AI & CMC Director


I have one question. If Al is spending all this time on the new forums, WHO is getting Al's car ready for the 2005 season??? As for weather I have about three to four feet of snow in the front yard, and we have a DYNO appointment on the 27th. Hope this stuff quits soon! See you at California speedway. JOHN #44

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