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7.7.3 Inspection and Testing


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I must have missed this one when I read this year's rules several weeks ago.


7.7.3 Inspection and Testing

To help reduce the cost of competition and provide for simple and fair technical inspections, NASA shall use chassis dynamometer testing as the main means of engine inspection in the CMC series.

NASA tech inspectors and CMC Officials have the right to inspect anything in sight at any time the vehicle is at the track. NASA tech inspectors and CMC Officials shall have the right to request disassembly or any other procedure required to verify vehicle compliance with these rules including a dynamometer re-certification.


How extensive could this disassembly be? Are we talking about pulling the valve covers or will this be a full-on sitting in the corner crying holding a handful of rod bolts kind of thing? I have a feeling it will be very reasonable, but I'm just kind of curious about the extent of the inspection. Has anyone been asked to disassemble anything yet?


I'm not a competitor yet, but I am in the process of building a car and I want to stay current with the rules. I hope I'm not beating a dead horse here. I did a quick search and couldn't find anything on the subject.




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